Yanis Varoufakis on what's wrong in Europe today and how to fix it tomorrow morning | DiEM25

Publicado 2019-03-04
Yanis Varoufakis, MEP candidate for Demokratie in Europa and DiEM25 co-founder, explains what's ailing Europe today and how we can fix it tomorrow morning.

The European Spring, that will be contesting the May 2019 European elections in 11 countries, brings together politicians and activists to give a new, European perspective on these critical issues.

Check out our #GreenNewDeal programme here: diem25.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/programmeENPlain.pdf

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ecklunddavid
    Yanis Varoufakis has the ability to bring people from the right into dialogue. I can speak as one of them. We need deep, sober, battle-tested thinkers like him, whatever their political stripe!
  • @simjea
    He get my vote too. I think it is his most inspirational talk yet. "we are not going to reform but transform Europe"!!! Please do!!!
  • @jpckuijer
    His first 2 minutes were already big, big truths. Dutch media didn't portray him very favorably because he got into words with Dijsselbloem. I love seeing how eloquent and smart he is.
  • @chris19511
    This man gives me hope...He is a bright light for Europe, and I'm hopping, for once, Greeks would embrace the right politician.
  • @Elzilcho87
    What I wouldn't give to wake up on a Monday morning and hearing that his plan was being implemented. It'd be the best fucking Monday in my life.
  • @hannahg8439
    People like Varoufakis, Chomsky and other members of Diem25 need to reach an even bigger audience. They are pioneers in future forms of societies and political systems.
  • I started actively observing the political process when I was nine years old, about 25 years ago. Never have I witnessed a politician with a more reasonable, accurate or deeper analysis of our situation than Mr Varoufakis, nor have I come across anyone before, proposing a political path so close to what I think is necessary, realistic and the right thing to do. I have been a supporter of "Die Linke" for some time now, in order to back the working class who is being squeezed by the few, and in order to preserve the planet getting ruined for the greed of the few. Not because I felt "politically at home" at "Die Linke", but there was simply no other party that even came close. DiEM25 changed that. Thanks! There is a vote, and a membership coming in...
  • This is surprisingly refreshing. He's correct. People who are apolitical and in a precarious economic situation don't care about long-term grandiose theories when they are forced by marketised capitalism into short-termist survival mode.
  • @burden9809
    He is my inspiration, much needed for the world. Our current leadership has brought us to this point. Time for a change.
  • Whoah, great speech! From the heart, with passion and compassion. I love it! Go for it!
  • @thedolphin5428
    Yianni's ON FIRE! I wish I could vote for him but I'm in Australia.
  • @geoffdundee
    this man is a pleasure to listen too - ive watched him for years
  • @eugensander3386
    The rock star among economists. I have difficulties to believe it would work, but the way he speaks makes me want to believe.
  • @devonseamoor
    Best speech ever, Yanis Varoufakis is a lighthouse on the edge of an ocean gone mad.
  • Intelligence and passion combined with knowledge and experience That is Yanis Varoufakis.God bless You!🥰