My Coming Out Experience

Published 2013-09-27
I don't really have any videos planned for the rest of September, so I thought I would share this video I recorded a couple weeks ago. I was very hesitant to post this and I'm still unsure if I should leave it up, but here's my "coming out experience/story." It's kinda mopey and blah blah depressing; I'm sorry 'bout that. But hopefully it can help someone out there who has shared a similar experience.

I'll be back to making fun, exciting videos when October starts. Halloween-themed! Costumes in every October video. YouTuber guests. Challenges. It'll be fun. :)

Here's my other social media links if you'd like to follow me elsewhere. :)

I'll see you guys very soon!

All Comments (21)
  • I can't imagine anyone not being proud to have you for a son.  Keep on being you, Calvin, and you'll be just fine.
  • @CalvinBremer1
    I just want to let you guys know I still read all the comments. :) There's a lot of them, but I read every one and thank every single one of you for your kind words. It makes me so happy inside from your words of encouragement. And to anyone out there who is in contemplation of coming out, I hope all goes well for you the day that you do. Much love. <3
  • @ethanc8821
    My mom keeps hinting at it.  "Is there something you want to tell me?"  "You know I'll always love you no matter what, right?"  She told me the other day that she doesn't care if I brought home a man from the moon because as long as I'm happy, she'll be happy...and I STILL can't get the words to come out of my mouth.  
  • Your mother abused you.  She ought to be ashamed of herself.  People that put religion over their own families are completely despicable.  You are smart.  Put your knowledge to work for you.
  • @rick92rr
    It's so depressing, I just hate religious fanatism T.T
  • @DonAllenDe
    Came from a similar background.  Graduated H.S. shortly before my 17th birthday and joined the Air Force when I turned 17.  You will never get fundamentalists to accept you and you can forget that.  Live your life the way that you are and remember that God, in his infinite wisdom, made you who you are and he did not make any mistakes.  I am 76 now and had a 36 year relationship which only ended with his death of a heart attack when he was 59.  You seem to be a bright, intelligent and handsome young man (from your video).  Life is precious, live it to the fullest and if your relatives don't like it, tough!  They are the ones missing out by not really knowing you.
  • @LettingGoTV
    It's sad that some people think we actually choose who we like, they don't choose to be straight. We don't choose to be gay. We were born this way and I'm honestly so proud of you. Thank you so much for your story :) SO many people, like you said, will always be here for you. Me included. I love your videos and you seem like a awesome person.
  • @CalvinBremer1
    #HappyNationalComingOutDay  Remember, only do so when you're ready and feel safe. You're brave and I hope the best for you. I'm happy this video has helped some of you out there. :) Much love, Calvin.
  • @topher2seattle
    It is so amazing to me that this boy's story is not unlike the experience of young boys from the 60's and 70's...I thought we were more advanced than this in this day and age...he may as well have been born in 1950 with the experience he has had.
  • @SupraWes
    I am sorry that your family has treated you so poorly.  Your story is powerful and one that needs to be heard.  You will marry the man of your dreams someday, and I hope your family comes to their senses and fully supports you both.
  • @tombrooks5933
    calvin, what a tough story to tell, so thank you for sharing. terry and i have been together for 33 years and coming out in the 80's wasn't easy, but the quality of person you are inside is what helps people understand things a little bit better and you have discovered that. whether you feel like it or not, you are a stellar role model and i wish you the best of good fortune, long life, and happiness.  hugs, brooks
  • @mehmetates98
    I came out to my mother and that was the biggest mistake of my life. The friends I had told that I was gay all supported me but she called me horrible things 'till this very day. My mother is the only bully in my life right now which breaks my heart because I needed her support the most. I'm now living with this but I don't know what to do. I feel shitty everyday and it's killing me inside.
  • Really sorry to hear about your experience :( I find it hard to understand how parents can do that to their own children. It's like hitting a puppy, and the little pup can't understand why it's being punished. Stay strong bro, it sounds like you're pretty robust and you will thrive no matter what
  • @jesspessiepess
    I am so incredibly proud of you for being so unbelievably brave, being able to accept yourself the way you are even in the difficult situation that you have been in, and I am so sorry that your family and your mum in particular reacted the way she did. It is so courageous of you to make this video, and I absolutely admire you for believing in yourself, breaking away from your family, finding your own place, making your own path with your friends and the people that believe in you. You deserve to live life as the perfect and wonderful and unique person you are, without having to change yourself to please anyone else, and I dearly hope that you live and love happily, and have a loving prosperous life, and find love, and marry a man someday, despite your circumstances. The fact that you have had the strength to live through, film and upload this is truly so admirable of you and i honestly admire and love you so much for this. Thank you so much for sharing your story, as I know it has helped me, to know that you can do it, and I'm sure it will help many others  also. I love you so much, and think you are incredible, and wonderful, and I hope you have an incredible life. Good luck with the rest of your journey <3 
  • @AdamE96
    Very moving indeed, I nearly shed a tear near the end.  While I live the very open and diverse city of Liverpool in England, I'm still on the road to coming out to my friends.  I've told my inner family but they're pretty neutral about it and have told me not to tell anyone, it's something that they choose not to talk about so I have to keep my thoughts to myself.  Good luck for the future my friend and thanks for sharing this, you've helped a lot of people.
  • @Anchanthea
    This made me cry, I'm so glad that you've come so far, especially with a family like the one you have. Stay strong Calvin <3 x
  • @ristin59
    Thank you for sharing your story. Similar story, except my dad was dead before I came out. My mom ran me out of the house in the same way. I lived in my car for a couple of weeks, until my BF and I found a place to live. Always be true to yourself, it hurts when the family turns against you, my mom finally came around and we became closer. Be strong!
  • @pvampire
    I was just watching your video again, it's been a month since I watched it the first time. It's just so heart wrenching to hear your story about how your own family treats you.  I don't know why supposed "Christians" are always the most judgemental of everyone. I know Jesus loves you and accepts you as you are and sees you as perfect and complete. That's the nature of God and forgiveness...salvation...ect. Don't ever change one bit. Your awesome and very inspirational to me and others. Your story gives me strength.  Love is the key and that's what makes you strong and amazing. Even after being treated like you have been you still love your mom and family and that's just incredible. That's true Christianity and spirituality.!!!