Side Effects of Resveratrol Supplements

The side effects of resveratrol likely outweigh the benefits. Resveratrol supplements may blunt some of the positive effects of exercise training.

This is the final video in my four-part series on resveratrol. If you missed any of the others, check out:
• Does Resveratrol Make You Live Longer? (…)
• Does Resveratrol Benefit Our Metabolic Health? (…)
• Resveratrol Tested for Alzheimer’s, Arthritis, and Osteoporosis (…)

For more on purported anti-aging supplements, like NAD+ boosters, check out my new book, How Not to Age ( (All of my proceeds are donated directly to charity.)

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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コメント (21)
    Ive been taking it for years, no issues.
  • So much nuance! There is rarely an exclusively "positive" or "negative" effect of a food/supplement that will be true for all people!! While some supplements may be great for some people, we would really all benefit from focusing more on the whole plant sources to avoid negative side effects of mega-doses that we haven't studied yet
  • Great, do apigenin next, quercetin phytosomes, curcumin phytosomes, black seed oil, oleurpein, fenbendazole, ivermectin, etc.
  • I am the husband of a woman who suffers from various complications due to diabetes. Today, my wife started dialysis last week because her kidneys have deteriorated a lot due to chronic kidney failure. I was wondering if it is possible to cure chronic kidney failure, diabetes and heart disease with a plant-based diet.
  • I’ve been following Dr Sinclair for years and I’m quite disappointed with him now.
  • Exercise aside, are there not benefits of resveratrol on mitochondria repair/improvement and possible pancreas/beta cell repair? I take roughly 1/16 - 1/8 tsp of Japanese Knotweed a day as T2D, working ferociously toward lowering BG and IR. I'm getting there however this video surprised me. For my situation, I'm not sure I care if "exercise results on the outside"" are inhibited but if you're telling me that a day long of housework is come to nil, well then that may be a deal breaker. Let's say I take a long hike, if I don't take the resveratrol that day, will that do the trick or does the day before's resveratrol linger across time in my system? As a T2D, I have to weigh the benefit/cost. Thank You Doc. Have a fabulous weekend.
  • I'd like information on supplementing with the peptide Sermorelin Acetate when taking Ozempic and the like to avoid muscle wasting.
  • @47retta
    You can't expect to give rabbits cholesterol in their diet and not have problems! Rabbits are vegetarian! The old cholesterol research found that out years ago.
  • Is this effect on cholesterol present for low-dose resveratrol? Often the effects of resveratrol are opposite depending on dosage.
  • Well.......there it is folks.......cherry picking or not, the easy takeaway for me on this is............DO NOT TAKE THIS SUPPLEMENT (and if you must, consult a Physician)
  • Vitamin A is pretty healthy to take, but it can be hard to find vegan supplements for this eating. Lots of green capsicum and carrots is a good way to get this, Carbs FTW!! 💪💪💪
  • @lilo4784
    B12 cannot make adenosylcobalamin without vitamin b1 and benformatine is fat soluble b vitamin so isn’t b1 the most critical vb vitamin as without it b12 doesn’t work