EASY LATIN: Daedalus and Icarus (Rem Tene! 40)

Salvete sodales! Welcome to our series, "Rem Tene;" a Latin podcast presented by Latinitas Animi Causa for beginner and intermediate learners of the Latin language built and designed for the acquisition and understanding of it as a language, not just a code to decipher.

In this episode, I, Andreas, tell you the story of Daedalus and Icarus as told by the Roman poet Ovid!

We gloss some words throughout the episode in English and repeat them. We don't, however, gloss everything. Our brains are really good at deducing meaning when we know a lot of the context surrounding words or phrases. The transcript for the show can be found ⁠⁠⁠⁠below so you can follow along. We hope you enjoy this show!

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Ut semper, gratias quam maximas patronis nostris sine quibus haec omnia facere haud possemus agimus!!!

Faster Version begins at 7:00

コメント (14)
  • love the easy comprehensible subjunctives throughout, andreas
  • Peliculam optimam, gratias! Fabula significat ut omnes homines res capere nimis conentur sine otio quamdiu aegrotant et mortui sunt, et numquam parentibus parent, et in tempus antiquus aer alta calidior erat quam nunc, aut aeroplanes scuta contra aerem calidam habent.
  • @catnhat1117
    Fabula nōbīs admonet ut arrogantēs vel stultī nōn sīmus. Homines pars nātūrae sunt, sub lēgibus nātūrālibus. Fīlius debet patrī parēre.
  • @SweetTaLe
    Hmmm, fortasse documentum fabulae est pueros non decet nimis temerarios esse? Atque semper parere parentibus tuis.
  • Puto hanc fabulam ostendere adulescentem strenuum alicuis novi(hic solis videndi tangendique) cupiditate adductum,qui cum libertatem sentivit statim oblitus monita patris,currit obviam morti aberrans fata... Homo,quem semper voluptates diversae aliquo ducunt,numquam potest navigare altum mare,nam navis eius mergebitur sine gubernatore mente dura.Propterea a nonullis cupiditatibus nobis abstinendum est
  • Ac pro hac película tibi pluras Gratias ago. Debes quoque parvam peliculam facere de equii volante ac quomodo nascitur ex matre sua ,Medusa 😢
  • Aliquid qui valde mihi placet hic: es tu vere optimus histrio.. Ad haec películae do A+ u