Moses, Exodus Route from Egypt, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai Location in Arabia, Ten Commandments

Published 2022-03-12
See the miraculous events of the Exodus route the Israelites took from Egypt, the location of the Red Sea Crossing, and the location of Mt. Sinai.


This video uses the Bible and new evidence and discoveries to bring this foundational biblical event to life. The miracles surrounding this story, and the new discoveries that have been found in the last 50 years, reveal that the Exodus, Red Sea Crossing and Mt. Sinai are much greater than most think. See this video to get the most accurate, and biblical analysis of these events. See places like Succoth, Elam, Wilderness of Sin, Nuweiba Port, Marah, Elim, Caves of Jethro, Rephidim, Altar of Jehovah Nissi, Altar of Moses, Altar of Aaron, Elijah's Cave, Mount Jebel al Lawz, and more.

1. For many years it was believed that the Israelites crossed the Suez finger of the Red Sea just southeast of what is now Cairo, Egypt. However, there are no deep bodies of water in these areas but just shallow marshes and lakes. For this reason, the biblical account of this astounding miracle has been attempted to be discredited or erased altogether by liberal scholars.
2. Many recent archeologists and scholars now believe the Israelites crossed the Red Sea at the Aqaba finger of the Red Sea and that Mount Sinai is in Midian, which is part of modern-day Saudi Arabia.
Historical Background
1. God called Abraham and promised him He would make a great nation out of his offspring. Abraham obeyed and left everything to follow God.
2. Abraham birthed Isaac, who birthed Jacob, who birthed 12 sons. God changed Jacob’s name to Israel.
3. Jacob and his 12 sons moved to Egypt according to God’s sovereign plan (about 70–75 total people).
4. The Israelites spent 430 years in Egypt (30 years as free people under Joseph, and 400 years as slaves). During this time, they grew into a nation of around 2.5 to 3 million people.
5. God performed a miraculous deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt by performing 10 amazing miracles.
6. The last miracle, known as the Passover, happened when God killed the firstborn of all the Egyptians who did not put the blood of a lamb over the doorposts of their homes.
Places and things of Interest:
Moses, Mount Sinai, Egypt, Goshen, Suez Finger of the Red Sea, Traditional Red Sea Crossing Place, Sinai Peninsula, Aqaba Finger of Red Sea, Nuweiba Beach, Saudi Arabia Beach, Red Sea Crossing, Elim, Caves of Jethro, Rephidim, Mount Horeb, Burning Bush, Exodus, Ten Commandments, Golden Calf, Altar of Moses, Israel, Sinai Peninsula, Well of Moses, Saudi Arabia, Al Bad, Exodus chapter one, Exodus chapter two, Exodus chapter 3, Exodus chapter 4, Exodus chapter 5, Exodus chapter 6, Exodus chapter 7, Exodus chapter 8, Exodus chapter 9, Exodus chapter 10, Exodus chapter 11, Exodus chapter 12, Exodus chapter 13, Exodus chapter 14, Exodus chapter 15, Exodus chapter 16, Exodus chapter 17, Exodus chapter 18, Exodus chapter 19, Exodus chapter 20

Places of Interest
1. Egypt
2. Goshen
3. Suez Finger of the Red Sea
4. Traditional Red Sea Crossing Place
5. Sinai Peninsula
6. Aqaba Finger of Red Sea
7. Nuweiba Beach
8. Saudi Arabia Beach
9. Red Sea Crossing
10. Marah
11. Elim
12. Magna Oasis
13. Wilderness of Sin
14. Caves of Jethro
15. Rephidim
16. Mount Sinai

Faith Lesson from the Exodus, Red Sea Crossing, and Mount Sinai
1. The deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt was done to show several deep theological truths.
To show God’s power and glory (He is above all gods and is the only true God).
To be a foreshadow of salvation and deliverance (God can save and deliver us as He did the Israelites).
To teach His chosen people how to follow and obey Him.
To show his power and glory to the other nations.
2. The important thing to realize is that the location of the events of the Exodus, Red Sea crossing, and Mount Sinai are not the determining factor for whether the Bible is true or not. However, this evidence does strengthen our faith to know the events spoken of in Scripture are true and historical.
3. The miracles surrounding the Exodus, Red Sea crossing, and Mount Sinai are some of the greatest miracles found in Scripture.
4. All of this should inspire us to trust and obey God more fully.

All Comments (21)
  • Lift up your hands and bend your knees and praise the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for he loves you! Let everyone who mentions his name cease from sin! Oh my God thou are Holy and awe inspiring and you deserve to be praised and magnified! You are God and there is none besides thee! Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord! Thank you Father for this great and inspiring message! I thank you brother for all that you do not only for me , but for the kingdom! May God richly bless you and your family and cause his face to shine upon you. Again, thank you 🙏
  • Thank you so much for everything I believe I trust and I have faith in you God father Almighty and lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your loving kindness and compassionate, thank you I trust the process of life I trust in the flow of life and I trust myself, thank you I trust in the timing of Devine, thank you God for working my life, thank you so much for everything I am grateful for everything that I have, thank you I trust in the timing of the Universe, thank you for providing me everything that I need, thank you for all my guardian angels for supporting me and guiding me and blessings me everyday I received it all, thank you I am so grateful for all the blessings after blessings and blessings everyday I achieve it all, thank you I am so grateful for all the miracles and my presence I received it all, thank you I am so grateful for everything that I have, thank you for empowering me, thank you for loving me for who I am, thank you for choosing me, thank you for the power I can transform my life, thank you I can uplift myself, thank you for being with me all the time, thank you for today, thank you for saving my life, thank you I am alive. I lost my job 2 years ago due to the pandemic and I was about giving up, but knowing God has brought me this far was for a purpose and I kept on looking on to him..The moment I was about giving up, I was introduced to a business by a man I met in a seminar I went to in Florida. This was not my first time hearing of such business but I took the risk Investin 1ooo USD and it was worth it. information@markhanfarmer , COM 4 weeks later I kept on getting earnings and I started using the money for Gods work. I am popular in Texas. Doing Gods work always give me joy. There is peace and joy in my mind . I am here to motivate you and tell you never to give up even though the situation seems so though. God has promised his children and he will surely do what he promised his children.
  • Good reminder brother for those who have decided to doubt the Holy Bible!
  • I just got Baptised. This made me cry tears of joy. God is the ONLY way! And the evidence ?!?! just wow! Thank you !! ❤❤❤❤
  • @loonhaunt
    Wonderful. Manna for the soul. I miss my Sunday School teacher from SW Iowa, Margaret Freeman. 60 years ago.
  • This is a beautiful video, unfortunately some people have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.”
  • @mo0nstonegirl
    Okay I'm officially obsessed with watching all of your videos, no joke. This is the 3rd time I've watched this one in particular within the last week (I have trouble sleeping at night). Super impressed! I've been a believer for about 3 years now, and being a newbie, information like this really solidifies that. The Bible is history people. Real history! Thank you again ♥
  • @ebonydbess04
    It’s such a great feeling to know I can come to this page and feel close to God each time 🙏🏾🙏🏾
  • Ron Wyatt channel shows the real crossing, the rock Moses struck.. It is In Saudi Arabia. Praise YHWH his WORD Is TRUTH And Eternal..
  • @Kamal67811
    This is my miracle. I always was fascinated to watch 10 commandments, first time in 1986 when my father brought a video tape from Yemen, he worked as an anesthesiologist in an American hospital in Sanna. After that years passed I kept watching the movie again and again may be over 100 times. The age of internet in 2016 I watched some documentaries of how people found out that Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia. I saw one from a Korean doctor who recorded all the evidence and also saw some more. The desire was there to see that particular place. 7 years passed I forgot that desire but God remembered it. 10 March 2022 I flew from India to Amsterdam to to meet my son. Now i tried to book tickets from various airlines but the prices were beyond my reach. The Saudi airlines was in my budget I booked the tickets. The plane was to fly from Delhi to Jeddah and Jeddah to Amsterdam. As the flight started from Jeddah the map on the screen showed the exact map I saw in 2016 and the plane was to fly above the same place where the crossing took place. God reminded me of my desire and tears started falling from my eyes. After some time the plane was flying over the part were the crossing took place. I could see from the plane each and every part. and my seat was also a window seat. I am so thankful that I was able to fly over this blessed place. Glory to God for He loves us so much
  • This was absolutely stunning brother….. please know, I and many other believers of Jesus Christ love and appreciate you’re wonderful presentation here….May the Lord continue to Bless you and you’re loved ones abundantly…..Praise God, all Glory to Jesus Son of the Living God, our saviour and redeemer 🙏🏼. Love sent from London UK 🇬🇧
  • It was my most unforgettable experience in my entire life to visit all the biblical site in Arabia and to reach the Mt. Sinai and Elijah's Cave.. To GOD be the glory!
  • @jabneel7
    This Truth is awesome!! Fantastic video. Thank you!
  • Oh God, I want to go to these places. This is magnificent! All glory, praise and honor be to Yahweh! In the name of Jesus. Yeshua! 🙏 Amen 🙏
  • @rogerramos6534
    Praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ💖 To God be the glory😇☝️
  • Thank You so much for this video. I was a teen ager and I spoke of this to the church. It is who God is. I love this story and why people try to play down this I do not understand. The only thing I can say about that they are not serving my God that I worship every day.
  • I would love to visit there as so much history. Thank you for your presentation
  • @loonhaunt
    This is an epic masterpiece. Deserves widespread distribution.