Crazy Platinum Convinces me he Can beat Radiants.

Valorant: Platinum Convinces me he Can beat Radiants, then proves it! 🤯
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Delusional Platinum Convinces me he Can beat Radiants.
Insane Platinum Convinces me he Can beat Radiants.
Cracked Platinum Convinces me he Can beat Radiants.

Understanding comms & bottom right text // This goes for all of our videos. You will notice the bottom right either has text or an image of the appropriate rank. This tells the viewers what COMMS they are listening to! For example if it's Bronze red, you are listening to the Bronze team which is on the red-side. This helps you keep track while watching!

Understanding Dynamic Nerfing & Game Balance // This goes for all of our videos. You may realize that sometimes the 1 immortal or radiant has more money, shields, etc. Or the enemies have light shields, reduced economy, etc. This is why most of our videos are close matches. They are balanced to the teeth. This means rule-sets are set in place to create fair gameplay for everyone involved. Sometimes we do this "dynamically". For example: Maybe a low ranked team would start with pistol only, then get a specter and light shield. After switching sides they maybe can full buy, etc, etc. This gives a sense of suspense to the video as the opposing team would slowly face an increasing challenge!


Produced & Managed by Dittoz -

コメント (21)
  • @damy2433
    ,,Jesus finds a triple kill'' made me leave the house and fucking die of laughter
  • "If he's like me, he can't use the sheriff... Nevermind, he's better than me!" ~Valorant Curios (2024)
  • @Springil
    This is the best "prove you deserve higher rank series" so far. I can learn a lot by his play.
  • @UrFada
    jesus is a Hooj watcher anything he in aim duels he overaim then strafe to head exactly like hooj teaches, and the calm aim this is hunderd percent a hood student. God bless you all
  • @jay_8888
    1:21 he said smurfs ruining his games but wants to fight against radiants and immos... where do you think the smurfs are coming from? 😂
  • This is the most hilarious opening ever, I can just imagine jesus tilting in solo q as a hardstuck plat
  • @29shrek8
    he has good movement and good aim, good decision making, but lacks a small bit of game sense and util usage, he tends to go with the same game plan everytime, this usually gets people hardstuck ascendant and peak immo 1 maybe, which is what he deserves in my opinion
  • @pojoh2585
    Opponents didn't look Radiant, they took way too long to kill him. Plus, it also depends on his call, tilting, etc.
  • @hoowang9962
    8 min into the vid, he has strong aim and decent timings so far. Should be jump spotting potential threats instead of wide swinging every angle. I agree with the ASC assessment.
  • @mhmdd
    As a Yoru homei im pround of him. In the end, Valo is a team game, and our ranks will always be affected by another 4 random teammates.
  • @westtt3702
    Those radiants rankeds feel exactly like my diamond-asc rankeds😂
  • @drakesch
    jesus here, thanks for this opportunity
  • bro dropped 2 vids at the same time,one in his dittozkul channel and one this