Back to the Boat Ramp Blues

Published 2022-11-22
I wasn't really intending to post any content on this channel, since I deleted my old YT channel (i.e. which used the name: Theseustoo Astyages) due to my anger at having a whole playlist of mine censored by the Thought Police at YT, supposedly for 'hate speech', though they wouldn't even bother to tell me exactly what it was they considered 'hate speech' but just deleted the entire channel anyway (entitled, 'Ethnographic Videos'). I realized soon afterwards that this was really just 'cutting of my nose to spite my face', as it hurt me far more than it would have hurt YT... indeed I doubt YT would even notice it had gone... but I lost not just all the content I'd posted over more than a decade, along with 167 subscribers and a LOT of other playlists of some of my favorite TV shows, movies, documentaries, etc...

Anyway, as I see I now have a new subscriber (Hi Jill! Thanks for subscribing! :D ) I'll do what I can to post a bit of content, starting with what I can recover from my old channel... but I fear most of it was totally lost as I recently had some work done on my PC and the shop virtually deleted the contents of an entire hard drive, including most of the Go-Pro videos I'd made. I'll see what I can find, and post it here.

If any of my old subscribers see this video and miss my content at all, please subscribe again to this 'new' channel. I'll try to post new content asap... :D

Theseustoo (aka: Dave).

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