AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING!

Publicado 2023-04-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @aaronabuusama
    I have been working with DAOs since 2017. I have helped build some of the biggest DAOs in ethereum. I am the developer experience engineer at Aragon (the biggest DAO Tooling platform in the space). I would love to work with anyone on the other side of the fence to make some of these ideas a reality
  • I asked chatgpt to explore an idea : "The principles of DAOs and Tao in Taoism share some similarities. Both seek to create a harmonious and balanced order while minimizing human intervention. The concept of Wu Wei, or non-action, can be applied to DAOs to create a system that operates autonomously and in harmony with its environment, while the principles of Yin and Yang can be used to create a balance between stakeholders and minimize conflicts. By applying the principles of Taoism to the design and use of DAOs, we can create more equitable and sustainable systems that benefit everyone involved.
  • @clusterstage
    This is funny coincidence. I just was talking yesterday about blockchain as proof of original image, to detect and compare whether an image was screenshot & edited.
  • @heathvolk4439
    DAIGO: A portmanteau of DAO and IGO. Stands for "Distributed Autonomous Inter-governmental Organization." Also, the word Daigo is an actual word whose meaning is, according to Google, "Great Enlightenment," which is quite fitting, in my opinion.
  • @tonysingh9426
    This may be one of the first videos on youtube to highlight how blockchain based governance can work in tandem with AI. This in my opinion, is the ideal method to maintain original human thought. Glad i finally found someone thinking about this.
  • "All human content on the internet will eventually be NFTs, so you will have a chain of custody on who created it and when" 😁😁😁 Would so love you to do an episode on NFTS!!!
  • @warrenjames6386
    If DAOs start to acquire physical resources and entity membership, I think DAO is the future. In a thought experiment the endgame is an ecosystem of different DAOs, spreading in variety to fill each 'ecological niche' and competing against eachother until balanced. If driven by AI recursive improvement cycles then we could see this play out in years instead of decades and the hyper-efficiency driven by AI-driven competition would be insane. Being incorruptible through blockchain would be a happy bonus. IMO these would quickly out-compete today's wasteful, inefficient, parasitic and corrupt organizations. The future looks bright, can't wait!!!
  • @clusterstage
    You should really talk about how the blockchain is NOT resource intensive when you disable the "mining" part, a.k.a. creation of new blocks via brute digital guesswork.
  • @highjakit
    Awesome video and I can see the nice group gathering up on the first comment would love to be part of that. We are building our own AI - Blockchain use-case here in Saudi Arabia.
  • @slavaleks9027
    I love your content David, best AI information on the internet. I love that you focus on the good aspects of AI and imagine what's possible if we all have hope. I also like to talk about this stuff with people who aren't as well informed to keep them updated and get them excited for what's coming
  • @tintintin070
    I never realized the extent of applications for this technology. this is all really exciting!
  • I'm glad you mentioned NFTs as a possible authentication method for files, so we know they're not AI generated or edited. People don't like to hear it because no one actually understands what NFTs are, but NFTs could easily prove a certain file is the original, unedited, and could even tell us the location it was recorded at and the hardware it was recorded with via EXIF data. Meta data might become way more important than ever soon. NFTs are basically a digital anti-counterfeiting measure. The image NFTs were always stupid, but people kept disregarding the power of finally being able to say "this file is one of a kind and I can prove it." I'm fairly confident that NFTs or something like it will be used to combat AI generated content, especially deep fakes of supposedly real events. I was always adamant about NFTs being useful, but not for the stupid images. I always thought it'd find use in something mundane like smart contracts or another situation where you need to prove a file is the original... Then powerful AI came out and the "mundane reason" for NFTs became obvious.
  • @MathiasORauls
    Wow I’m actually writing a business plan for this right now 😂
  • @frankdasilva
    Yes, a NFT follow up video will be awesome! Thank you 🤗
  • I’m scared about the future of work. Trying to update my skills now your channel is teaching me a lot.
  • @alwardslab8732
    i've been tinkering with this concept for some days now, looking forward to see your approach!
  • @sunlight8299
    Wow that was a great video. Thsnk you for summarising these ideas and guving examples if how these things could be implemented in the near future. I just had a look at the Google form and did not see much that I could contribute apart from philosophical commentary and learning how the group analyses ideas for weaknesses and loopholes. One of the issues I can see is that the 'West' is leading the AI/AGI drive. Everyone should be at this table. Secondly, power will not voluntarily be given up. I think people should be prepared for this. I am however hopeful that the current status quo will simply be made obselete 🌬️🍃😅
  • @luizdoi5950
    I loved this AI+Blockchain+DAO concept. Looks like there are a lot of studies being done in order to get to this consensus concept. I am thinking about the way I can contribute to spreading this concept. I have Japanese & Latin American cultural influences so I believe I can bring those influences to this concept. I would like to be part of this movement.