Moses and His Stories: God's Warning to Cain?

Published 2013-02-17
In my last video, i pointed out that 'Moses' apparently gave himself free reign when describing just what it was that guarded the entrance to the garden of Eden after Adam and Eve's rebellion.

In this video, i take a look at another liberty that 'Moses' afforded himself when writing down God's word for mankind. And this time he actually puts words in God's mouth.

Music: King Crimson, 'I Talk to the Wind'

All Comments (15)
  • @9lbspelu
    I believe that those of us who seek the truth, always end up having more questions.
  • @thetruthrover
    it is important to question, dig, rove, and examine. indeed there is so much information out there. watch out for the B.S.
  • @thetruthrover
    I definitely agree with the second half of what you typed, but cannot bring myself to call it B.S. just yet. I actually make these videos hoping someone will set me straight, but as of yet, nobody even watches them...except you. lol! thanks for the comment.
  • @BroodingField
    One would think any self-respecting forger of divine scripture, even divine speech itself, would have the sense to cover that track. Perhaps worse yet is that we so easily fell for it.
  • @thetruthrover
    yeah. people don't like change unless they are ready for it.
  • @thetruthrover
    Yes, the account does have Saul calling David 'a mere boy'. But, that does not necessarily mean that he was a child. According to the account, David had already killed a lion and a bear by himself. The context suggests that David was a boy in comparison to Goliath.
  • @RODikUlus
    Hey TheTruthRover. I agree. When one takes away the preconcieved notion that the bible has to be the Word Of God, that person will find the bible lacking. Right now, I call it the Buy Bull...because to believe it, the person has bought the B.S. in it. It would be a HUGE issue if a Moses character was given words to write down in a book, dictated to him by a God, and use his liberty to be "poetic" with it. It's also a HUGE issue if a God Himself can't communicate with mankind His exact thoughts.
  • @9lbspelu
    Here's an example, I try to tell people that David wasn't a child when he fought Goliath. My reasoning behind that? When David went to the king to say he would face the giant, the king offered David the kings armour. So if David was a child, How could he fit the king's armour? Same as Daniel, he was an old man when he was placed in the loin's den.
  • @9lbspelu
    TRUTH!! That bitter tasting medicine that only a few are willing to take and let go of tradition. WE have been condition for so long thet even at a young age when we had questions about what was said we didn't dare chalenge because we ass-umed that the person talking knew more than us. knowing the 10 commandments and not following them is like smoking in front of a no smoking sgin. You know its wrong but do it anyways.
  • @9lbspelu
    Then when you go against tradition and try to show people the truth you get pushed aside because you're going against tradition.
  • @joelw2023
    Errr, don't throw it out...but maintain perspective.