Marked Jehovah's Witness first video (nervous!) Dec 2018

Published 2018-12-06
Agh! Why is it so scary to share my story? Probably because I was told my entire life to forfeit individuality for the group. Sorry this is so's nothing extraordinary, but yet I never imagined my life would be turning out like this. I am a born in JW and this is my story to Christian freedom. I struggled with severe depression for most of my life. But there is hope. Here is my story. The Truth shall set you free....but first it'll make you mad ;)

If you're a JW you might be asking "But where else would we go? The organization isn't perfect, but we have the truth." Actually, we were taught the wrong's not WHERE should we go...but rather "TO WHOM shall we go?" (John 6:68)

As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. "well," the trainer said, "when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it's enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free." The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were.

Galatians 5:1 "For such freedom Christ set us free. Therefore, stand firm, and do not let yourselves be confined again in a yoke of slavery."

All Comments (21)
  • @luckydl7650
    I was JW for 40 years.I love that you shared your heart felt story. I know your journey will continue and it won't always be easy, but the freedom to live a real Christian life is truly a wonderful thing.
  • @joelm9474
    Hi Alexandra. I too am an Ex JW, also born in, and 3rd generation. I've noticed that most ex JW's turn atheist, so I'm very happy to see that Watchtower did not turn you away from Christ. He drew you out of false religion and drew you to Him, and now He's using you to help others. Praise God!!! To Him go the glory. Theology reprogramming takes time, so be patient. I've been able to debunk all Watchtower theology with research, prayer, and Bible reading, but it took 4 years. May God bless you and your husband. Thank you for sharing your story. "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:36
  • Well that was interesting. I am glad you found your way out. You’ll come to find that worldly people aren’t as bad as Jehovah’s witnesses say
  • @PicardSisko7
    Your dogs in the background are super adorable!
  • @prodigalAli
    I just want to THANK EVERYBODY for their kind (and a couple not so kind! comments. I'm a bit overwhelmed (in a nice way) by the response. Remember that song by Aerosmith..."Amazing" and the cliche phrase "Life's a journey, not a destination"...and I was thinking how my life as a JW was all about the DESTINATION (Paradise via Armageddon) and the JOURNEY was something I just wanted to short cut. It's great that we can explore, enjoy, analyze, question, and create our lives in this amazing journey and embrace people of all beliefs BECAUSE we are all at different places in the journey. Laughter (especially laughing at myself and much of the silliness that I took so seriously as a JW...and I don't mean that in a mocking way) has also been a blessing and I just wanted to share this guy's video. I just found his channel and I can't stop listening to his song "Just around the Corner" (compliments jw broadcast) check him out and enjoy a healthy laugh.
  • @RiaCottingham
    Thank u for sharing your story, and welcome to your freedom
  • @JillyC5
    My dad was disfellowshipped not long after I was born so I was allowed virtually no contact with him, he died in 2000 and it's my biggest life regret that the religion prevented me getting to know him, I love that you have had chance to have a relationship with your dad.
  • MY EXPERIENCE I love when more former Witnesses come together united adding to the new family. I know your outcry, pain, mental disparity, etc. I been baptized since June 3rd, 2012 and studying little before that. I progress fast through the " Bible teach book" publication when it was in yellow lol then progress quickly through the " Remain in God's Love" publication both within a month in a half cause I studied with my Bible teacher daily for hours. Soon qualified for my baptism at a " Special Day Assembly." I gave many public talks, I held the microphones in the congregation meetings, I participated in the cleaning of the Kingdom Halls, I was getting more hours than what's required for regular pioneers in field service ministry . I made many friends and even brought in some I knew from " the world." I grew an enormous love for the supposed " truth " and for Jah . I traveled to New York driving the entire way with a group that invited me and saw all 3 "Bethel facilities ." There I saw the headquarters of the Governing Body and my connections help me see rooms and more than what they actually are to give in these tours. I have many pictures of this experience. Traveling all throughout the country for this religion doing everything u can imagine. Yet.... I started getting extremely depressed cause the more I elevated myself...the more I was exposed to seeing which was so disturbing even heart breaking in many respects. I notice how so many in the religion idolize man . How? Ever notice that when " Special Guest" appear now suddenly everyone comes to the Kingdom Hall Meeting and all now dress up in expensive suits with bow ties to go out in field service? All cause maybe the " Traveling Overseer " is there which was so fake to me. They call it " hospitality...yet it was idolizing cause everyone competing to get his attention. To knock on doors with him, to go out to eat with him, to talk to him first after his talks, and everyone is acting like extra than usual. Once he leaves its back to the opposite. I also noticed that ones that come out the " world " get treated a little differently than the ones who grew up in the religion. Like in meetings...they're hands get picked first over yours. They get invited everywhere more than u. Many didnt work with me just my teacher most times daily. Times where my hand was literally ignored while sitting up front like wow! Elders always get called the most over all and their wives then kids. It's like levels to this of favoritism. Being related to special men can get u greater protection too from wrongdoing than average ones. Steady observing...I saw how much godly devotion, praise , and worship didnt go to " Jehovah God." It all went to the " Governing Body." The supposed "annointed" men who are the Elites over the entire faith of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. They are the men elevated to God like status. Can't question them or you'll be in big trouble. So I researched more , prayed, read Bible, and the more I began to look outside of our bias websites, or the JW broadcast, the Watchtower society's literature, etc I saw the truth about " the truth." Examples are as follows: The over 5 thousand child sex abuse cases aired live on the news where the Governing Body had to speak in front of the Australian government cause their system based off misinterpretation of scripture paved the easy way of molesting children. * The unexpected affair the Society had with the United Nations whom we call the Beast in Revelation that replaced the " death stroked " one . Once confronted and exposed they ended the partnership to save face quickly doing damage control sending many letters and magazines to the members smh they bought it of course. *How we quickly ban anything pagan as unacceptable to Jehovah God like Holidays, birthdays. Etc. Yet I research roots to weddings and saw that wedding " rings" are pagan customs with ritualistic beliefs to why u wear them..also the " wedding cake" and wind chimes are tied to pagan symbolism. Etc. Yet we're allowed to imitate them. I thought if its pagan stay away...yet the Governing Body can do anything even contradict themselves and the masses in the religion blindly follows and defends. * All the false prophecies which the Bible strongly condemns yet our Organization gave more dates of the end of the world....than just 1914. Every prophecy failed of course cause God isn't with them. So once it dont happen they tweak their words and update it to make excuses. The blind brainwashed followers excuse it and say " No they wasn't wrong, The Light was just dim not its getting Brighter. " lol Sadd The Organization back in the day actually practiced discrimination toward African Americans especially seen evident when " Rutherford " was the man in charge. Read all his letters. * The supposed founder of Jehovah's Witnesses Charles Taze Russel was actually a "Freemason ." That's why the earliest additions of the Watchtower magazines had the satanic symbol called " the Knights Templar " symbol seen in Satanic churches to praise the Devil. The " Knights Templar symbol " can also be found in honor of him after his death. Look up his burial grave'll see a giant monument idol of a Masonic pyramid with the same satanic logo the Knights Templar symbol on it. Pyramids, all seeing eye of Horus, Knights Templar symbol, saturn rings worship...all used to praise not God but Satan the Devil. How disappointing yet many excuse or dont even believe it cause they are brainwashed by the cult dominated by man not Jah. *The Governing Body had stocks in companies that made cigarettes and war planes like Lockey Martin , Boeing etc. *Disfellowshiping! This is over exaggerated and misinterpreted from the Scriptures. God never supported flat out shunning cause it wasn't an effective tool to bringing sheep back. They use Paul words about removing a man or not eating with him etc. Or Prodigal Son. Both examples contradict shunning I'll soon make video of. This practice is user by cults when u question their leaders not really God. It's used as a fear tactic after you're baptized. Listen to whatever we say or lose your family, friends, mates, everything u know . Shunning is evil , ungodly, founded by cults, and even Satanist do the same thing . Their exist over 30 scriptures contradicting the practice of shunning. Read your Bible . *Beards? If u have a beard you're not doing anything in relation to Jehovah's Witnesses. No scripture forbids it yet they use " you look like a hippie" as their sole All in Biblical times had beards even Christ yet we cant preach if beard is present etc. * Field Service report card. This is your hours, minutes , books, magazine placements, video showings, return visits, etc. when knocking on doors. Turn in every month. You're graded by men and must participate or you will lose privileges and be seen as non spiritual. They grade u observing u closely . Jesus exposes this practice in Matthew 6. Read it entirely. This religion isnt the truth . It's dominated by brainwashing methods and complete worship goes to the Governing Body yet they keep telling themselves no it's for " Jehovah. " I'm speaking out after 8years. Jehovah God isn't the issue...nor the brainwashed Witnesses...its the Governing Body more so who replaced Jah and Jesus ....and put the system in place that made all these sheeple into brainwash zombies. Ex witnesses arent evil apostates or bad people. They woke up and still love all their love ones trapped in the cult. Ex JWs not lost , they're better off. Wake up and stop judging . Love and truth always win not cults founded by Satan.
  • @pitbullruss5636
    I disassociated myself because of the nightmares..... not of Armageddon, but the thought of living forever on paradise earth with my mother in law..... no thanks !
  • @Royal-Jaywick
    You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!
  • I have always thought about the way the witnesses refer to the faith as 'The Truth'. It is a massively insidious psychologicaly charged term that is used to control.
  • @Onazzz808
    What an inspiration you are! Brought me to tears to hear of your baptism in Lake Michigan, and found your way to Jesus Christ where you are truly free. God Bless You!
  • A wonderful story of awakening. Praise the Lord you are saved! A beautiful baptism story as well! You have been blessed.MAY our Lord keep you and continue to bless you and also yours.
  • @danagarza369
    Thank you for speaking out and sharing 🙏 I’m an ex-JW and was a 6th gen witness. 😳 I’m still being shunned. My first celebration of my birthday was when I turned 40 🎉 If you ever want to talk with someone who understands look me up on Facebook: Dana Crouse Garza Blessings! 🙏
  • Welcome to the community. Glad to see you’re starting to ask questions. I’m going to have t give this a watch tomorrow I have to be up in 3 hours
  • You were such a delight to listen to and watch. You made me laugh, you made me sad but I’m so happy you finally woke up. My brother and I are hopeful that one day our parents will do the same. Thank you so much for your story. Keep moving strong towards your own truth.
  • @bowrudder899
    If you never make another video, I'll get it. But thank you for making this one. God is so good.
  • @vinniegg
    Awesome sincere video! I especially loved the way you ended it. Being in the organization and experiencing the things you and I have, did not feel good at the time. In my case, all of the verbal abuse and politics that occurred when I served as an elder, may have caused me tremendous anxiety. But in the end all of the so-called bad things that we experienced, we can be very grateful for. I always say that these things served as nudges in our Awakening process. And I know for a fact, now with hindsight, that the passive aggressive or passive Rebellion that you feel in the organization which is what you described here, really is a big sign that things are changing for you and you will be heading out of the organization at some point in time. Thanks again! Excellent video!
  • @sadbuttrue343
    Alexandra, 1. Great video! 2. Don't be afraid of being called an apostate. It just means that you no longer believe the Watchtower propaganda. It is not rejecting religion or Christianity! I am now proud to be an apostate of Watchtower, all EX-JWs are apostates by definition. You did an awesome job of explaining what you went through and I never would have known that you were nervous. Good for you thinking for yourself and thank you for sharing your story!
  • the moment you said "i'm here with my dogs" the bulldog with the tongue, looked up at you..Many will be blessed for your courage. To God be the glory for all who take refuge in Him will be blessed.