Vader Pulls Down Ship

Published 2022-06-15

All Comments (21)
  • @azure9886
    If you are wondering why he didn't pull the other ship, it's because his Pull Moves is in Cooldown
  • Narrator: The efforts left him panting. Kenobi: Actually, he is always panting. He never stopped panting since I burned him.
  • @MinhLe-xc5ld
    this is probably the closest we'd ever get to Starkiller pulling down a Star Destroyer in live action.
  • @jmwFILMS
    It's kind of crazy how at this time in the universe, Darth Vader is at his prime. Not the same as when we see him in the originals.
  • @Licjr
    When you try to leave work a little early but your boss reminds you that you still have 7 hours until the end of your shift
  • This is easily the most aggressive display of telekinesis ever seen. Or at least within Star Wars.
  • I love how these show runners treat the force like a stamina bar in a video game. His force pull ability was on cool down.
  • @picks_1993
    0:27 The aggressiveness Vader shows ripping the ship open. 👌🏻
  • @zymmes53
    My favorite part about this scene is that you can hear him struggling to pull the ship down. Shows that was not a piece of cake.
  • @macewindont9922
    The extra ship suddenly materialized in an empty hanger bay.
  • The force stamina argument is a good one but the more likely reason Vader did not pull down the second ship may not be because he is exhausted, but because he had already sensed the trap that Reva was about to try to spring upon him and readied himself for it. He even says it after he blocks Reva's sneak attack with the Force. "Obi Wan was wise to use you against me..."
  • I love how Lord Vader could have easily stopped the actual ship just as well, but let them go, so he must have thought something like "Hah Kenobi u sly dog, classic Kenobi"
  • @michaelpitou3690
    I'd like to think that the real struggle Vader experience here is trying to keep his own body from breaking. The Force within him is still overwhelmingly potent, but it's like the water in a cracked jar that will break if you overfill it
  • That was such a badass moment. This scene is probably my favorite Darth Vader scene. I was so excited to see him use the force to pull down a whole space ship.
  • @xplaybwoix
    Vader using the force whilst walking ,made that moment look so cool!
  • When Yoda lifted the X wing I thought that was sick, but damn this feat is 10x harder. This ship was in full throttle let alone it’s weight
  • @powface
    Imagine being so powerful with the force that you can't sense which ship they are on.
  • Considering the fact he never showed the extend of his abilities or this much aggression in the originals is the good choice for the directors of this show to presentate his mental state during these moments in the show. He's facing someone from his past, someone who triggered his rage even in his injured form, someone who contributed in making his physical life miserable, someone he never beat even when his powers are far greater than. Plus the fact if the comics are to be considered canon, his cyborg form made his bond to the force interrupted and Palpatine also made sure his body parts are of bad quality thus making his life outside the bacta tank so irritating, he's been nerfed to the point he had to adjust his combat style to a passive mode. To go as far as pulling a ship down and ripping it apart. HE IS BEYOND FURIOUS IN THIS MOMENT
  • @jimhawks1557
    Vader: "hold my beer... on second thought, I'll only need 1 hand..."