Dylan Mulvaney NEEDS To Stop (Trans Woman Reacts)


コメント (21)
  • It's "stop multilating babies genitalia" until the discussion is about intersex babies
  • "Stop mutilating the genitalia of infants" sounds like a pretty solid argument against infant circumcision, though. 😂
  • As a cis woman who hates bugs, didn’t know what March madness was until my husband told me, loves pink and fashion, and isn’t athletic, hearing these criticisms of Dylan makes me feel really badly. Am I less of a person because I’m more “stereotypical” as well? Dylan is a woman, so in my mind, the criticism is all misogyny. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • @jumblejam
    um... when people speak as if they know God yet consistently use God as an excuse to attack another person, they really don't know God.... just a thought...
  • I’m a cis woman. Dylan acting out “stereotypes” to me is no different than cis women acting out “stereotypes”, and none of it affects me or my womanhood.
  • @Angi3_6
    Isn’t Ben Sharpio’s sister all about being a “traditional” or “classic” woman, which are based on nothing but stereotypes?
  • I love when people use classics like Frankenstein in everyday conversation because the irony in Candace calling Dylan "frankensteinish" is alluding to the fact that she sees Dylan as Frankenstein's monster, as that is how people commonly use the word; however, one theme of the book is that the real monster is Victor Fankenstein, not the monster (who doesn't really have a new but once refers to himself as Adam), because the monster has more emotion and compassion than its creator. The transphobes could really choose to use the "don't play g-d" theme to mess with us trans people, but instead they call us the monster even though that does not make sense in the context of the book because the monster is proven to be more human than Frankenstein. Even the "don't play g-d" theme really doesn't work because that only really applies to trying to create new life, but conservatives like to construe things to fit their narrative. Edit: Also, let's not attack people for being stereotypes and instead attack the stereotypes themselves. Sometimes, a few people in a group actually fit a stereotype but that's not their fault. Plus, a lot of trans people feel the need to try to fit stereotypes in order to feel more confident and fit in. That might be part of it, or that might just be who she is. Either way, the backlash is undeserved.
  • It's so weird whenever trans women are "stereotypically feminine" and people say "oh so you're saying all women are like this?" like no? she's just saying that she, personally, doesn't know what march madness is, not that no woman does. why do trans women need to be perfectly representative of every woman and not just of the specific woman that they are?
  • The thing is... some cis woman ARE stereotypical... Maybe Dylan is just a stereotypical girl and that's okay.
  • @neologyneo
    Bruh Ben Shapiro was like “how are women not offended😡” as if there’s something to be offended by?? It’s just a woman not knowing what March Madness was bro 😭😭 I also hate how when any trans people do something stereotypical, they say it’s offensive. They do realize that cis women and cis men do stereotypical stuff too right? Like are you delusional? The stereotypes came from SOMEWHERE, meaning that people do those things??? 💀
  • Candance Owens is literally CRAZY like how do you say these things genuinely
  • As a woman I’m not insulted because I’m not insecure in my womanhood. Like, why would someone else’s gender expression affect or bother me??
  • it’s so funny how conservatives call us ‘sensitive snowflakes’ but then get offended by a trans woman being in an ad campaign
  • Me, cis, not knowing what March madness is 🤷‍♀️ one woman not knowing what it is in no way implies that no woman knows what it is. Ben is ridiculous
  • If she wasn’t abiding by stereotypes, they would claim she wasn’t committed enough to portraying a traditional woman
  • As a cis-man, it took me almost my whole life to figure out what March Madness was🤣. So I would say it is very possible for Dylan to not know what March Madness is.
  • @esme9867
    I really don’t think it matters that Dylan isn’t sporty … it’s an influencer partnership. She’s not the face of the brand or even part of a big campaign. She posted an instagram lol. It’s not that deep. Also I really get the feeling that Dylan is just being herself and acting similar to how she was before she transitioned. She’s not trying to represent all women, just her own journey with womanhood. I really think people just need to let her live!!!
  • It’s been a year and every time I see a picture of Audrey Hepburn, I still think “hey, that lady’s dressed like Dylan Mulvaney!” For a second.
  • As a 32-year-old straight white cis woman, I can 100% confirm that I have had that same reaction to bugs in nature. I feel you, Dylan.