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About slrcreative

Being a maker of pvc flutes (for now), I worry that some of my friends in the Native American flute world might question my spiritual connection with the Trees that Mother Earth has so graciously provided us, so they can "talk to us" with the flutes we make from their wood. This channel is about my flutes and, perhaps, my flute playing. But in another channel here at youtube, I want to share a bit of my love for wood of all kinds by showing another side of my creative work over the past 18 years.... wooden eggs. I'm currently working on my 172nd. Each one has a story in its wood and in the tree it came from. In making the eggs, I discover the beauty of the wood with each step of sanding and polishing... and replay, in my mind, its story, as my hands experience the tactile nature of the wood and the developing piece. I hope that I will soon become confident enough in my flute making skills, to honor the trees, and make flutes from wood. My love of trees is as old as I am.

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