Villains that always kill their subordinates

Those shows when the villain leaders always gotta kill somebody that just made an honest mistake.

Oddwin - 19

コメント (21)
  • Villain: "my god we don't have any allies" Patrick: "you don't say" LMAO
  • @ItsDanbo
    Subordinate: accidentally bumps into main villain “sorry sir” Main villain: so you have chosen death
  • @meckam
    "Villain! I have come for you, and your reign is.... where is he?" "oh yeah hes taking anger management classes"
  • I’ve always love how he makes his dead bodies look. They look extremely and unrealistically crippled. It’s hilarious.
  • “I don’t even know how the LIGHTS are on right now” killed me
  • I just picture this dude with a bouquet of roses at a graveyard after completing anger management therapy, walking around handing them out like "I'm sorry, my bad... Next..."
  • What villain thinks: "He is not good enough, I need him no longer" What Villain doesn't realize: Subordinate was trying his best, Subordinate was smart on how he would escape, without subordinate, villain wouldn't know a threat was in his walls, and subordinate is loyal to him.
  • It is literally 100% more effective to A. give someone another chance B. Train them more C. Give someone a couple more chances and if they keep failing then train them more.
  • “I dont even know how the LIGHTS are on right now, you killed the guy that take care of that TOO”
  • Sometimes I forget he's talking to himself.
  • "You tried killing me this way so many times my body no longer constantly needs oxygen to survive." Also him: Breathing loudly
  • At least the villain admitted he had a problem at the end. Admitting is the 1st step
  • Janitor: mops quietly Villain: your free trial of living has ended
  • “Ok I’ll take anger management classes” Kills the therapist
  • In this case, the “You and I aren’t so different” speech the villain gives every single time wouldn’t be too far fetched, because the protagonist kills all the bad guys’ minions to get to him, and the bad guy kills all of his minions who don’t properly do what the bad guy wants them to do
  • Patrick: “Those were the reinforcements.” Villain: “What?” Patrick: “That was the last—” Villain: ”I heard what you said, STUPID.”
  • “I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW THE LigHtS ARE ON RIGHT NOW” that line was delivered perfectly
  • @bkboii24
    Leader: “Call for reinforcements” Assistant: “Those were the reinforcements” Leader: starts sweating
  • I have literally always wanted to see a stereotypical villain have this problem, and come to the same realization.
  • “Ok I’ll take anger management classes” you see that was the good ending usually the villian would be stubborn and would just find another way to kill the servant 🤣