KINGDOM HEARTS TIMELINE - Episode 33: The Boy Who Touches So Many Hearts

Publicado 2018-06-25
The more I work on this whole project, the more interesting it gets. Since when I started with the x portion of the series, I've always wondered how it would feel watching the beginning of Sora's adventure and, at the same time, dealing with Aqua in the Realm of Darkness, right after we've closely experienced what she's been through in her own main adventure.
What you get is a different feeling.
You feel closer to Aqua, you can see her eternal struggle, alone and unconscious of her best friends' fates, whilst Sora is playing and living his happy life. This is one of the main key points of the entire project that could only be fully felt if you've watched all of the previous episodes in such a pattern.

The pattern for this series is being developed in the making of it. I do have some things kept in my mind for future parts, but most of this project is growing as time goes by and I'm just following my instinct.
My mind automatically sets a lot of events across all the games in what should be their exact place.
This kind of work is extremely enlightening to me as it allows me to keep control of the saga's biggest secrets and connections, as well as helping me improve both my style and capability of organizing so much stuff at once.

The most interesting challenge was covering the time between the end of Birth by Sleep and the beginning of the first Kingdom Hearts. That time began in Episode 32 and finishes here in Episode 33, and I can say it turned out pretty good. After watching all of the previous episodes, we can all agree on how smoothless the transition between Birth by Sleep and the first Kingdom Hearts is. Yes, we're getting to know another hero, but without losing track of a character we've been following since Episode 12. And we'll stay by her side until the end of this game.

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KINGDOM HEARTS TIMELINE is an incredibly massive project I've been wanting to do forever. The only thing that was stopping me from actually working on it was the still-incomplete plot of the χ[chi] portion of the whole saga, which is also the most confusing one. However, I did want to deliver this before the release of KINGDOM HEARTS 3, so we could have the perfect road to the final chapter of the Xehanort saga at our disposal and relive, together, all of the chapters in a definitive and never-seen-before way.
KINGDOM HEARTS TIMELINE is, in fact, different by any other playthroughs or projects around because it is composed of all the Kingdom Hearts titles released so far placed in chronological order. Beware – the events are actually settled chronologically.

KINGDOM HEARTS TIMELINE doesn't want to be a simple movie made of cutscenes. If It were to be like that, there wouldn't be anything special about it. This project actually started as a playthrough, giving, of course, priority to story content.
Sitting and watching a 25 minutes video made of cutscenes we've been watching for a decade is just as boring as anything else. Gameplay bits have been thoughtfully placed to make sure you won't fall asleep when watching, giving their contribute for a more immersive experience.
Finding the right balance is not easy and not always possible –due to countless technical restrictions related to music, episode length and such– just as it's not easy having everyone thinking alike. Of course, I can't make everyone happy, but I did want to point this out.

Lastly, I want you guys to know that the amount of effort being put for this is massive. There are countless hours of work and dedication I've spent (and still spending) for this, for something we all love and care about. My channel is, after all, always been made of this – content that will grant you one of the best levels of knowledge and enjoyment of the Kingdom Hearts saga – and, as much as it's stressful having to translate every Japanese Union χ [Cross] episode, I still do that to deliver the latest story updates of the saga for you.
My main goal is working as much professionally as I can and add details where normally people wouldn't add. Not liking a content is totally fine, whereas insulting and posting offensive comment is not. There is nothing worse than spending your own time to show dedication for something we all love and see offensive reactions coming back at you. For this whole project to be completed, suggestions and questions coming from fans are well accepted and needed. If you do think this deserves appreciation, leaving a Like on the video is more than enough to me. Thank you for reading all of this, and please enjoy!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @everglowKH
    The more I work on this whole project, the more interesting it gets. Since when I started with the x portion of the series, I've always wondered how it would feel watching the beginning of Sora's adventure and, at the same time, dealing with Aqua in the Realm of Darkness, right after we've closely experienced what she's been through in her own main adventure. What you get is a different feeling. You feel closer to Aqua, you can see her eternal struggle, alone and unconscious of her best friends' fates, whilst Sora is playing and living his happy life. This is one of the main key points of the entire project that could only be fully felt if you've watched all of the previous episodes in such a pattern. The pattern for this series is being developed in the making of it. I do have some things kept in my mind for future parts, but most of this project is growing as time goes by and I'm just following my instinct. My mind automatically sets a lot of events across all the games in what should be their exact place. This kind of work is extremely enlightening to me as it allows me to keep control of the saga's biggest secrets and connections, as well as helping me improve both my style and capability of organizing so much stuff at once. The most interesting challenge was covering the time between the end of Birth by Sleep and the beginning of the first Kingdom Hearts. That time began in Episode 32 and finishes here in Episode 33, and I can say it turned out pretty good. After watching all of the previous episodes, we can all agree on how smoothless the transition between Birth by Sleep and the first Kingdom Hearts is. Yes, we're getting to know another hero, but without losing track of a character we've been following since Episode 12. And we'll stay by her side until the end of this game. PS: In before anyone wonders how could I possibly lose to Riku in the friendly match... that's how it should be. Sora is a better fighter than Tidus, Wakka and Selphie, but at this stage Riku's still better than him at almost anything. Unless Sora is motivated enough to give everything he got, like, winning a race and get to share a Paopu with Kairi... Want to show your support and get more episodes released daily? Please have a look at my Patreon page! Feel free to follow me on Twitter to get in touch with me! Kingdom Hearts Timeline playlist:
  • @GarikWheeler
    That part where Xigbar was talking about The Chamber of Waking and you briefly flashed to Ventus was BRILLIANT. God, I love this shit so much. Also, I know Nomura has stated that Mickey is supposed to be the voice speaking to Sora in the Dive to the Heart. But given how we've just witnessed all the prior events leading up to this moment, it really doesn't make sense. Mickey has NO idea who Sora is at this point, how could he be speaking to him? It really does make much more logical sense if the mysterious voice guiding Sora is Ventus.
  • @TheLadyLiddell
    Hm... Ansem the Wise had six apprentices just like the Master of Master did...
  • @P.Mahoney
    I've definitely been enjoying these last few episodes. They feel like the start of a new season of a TV show. Seeing this transition from BBS to KH1 is simply amazing. It's just so satisfying seeing these cutscenes spread across multiple games appear in a chronological order. Incredible work Everglow!
  • @shademonki13
    Ienzo... seems far more important than we’ve been led to believe thus far. I’m certain there’s something to his character we don’t yet know.
  • @serkona7616
    I’m really happy that you lost to Riku at the start. Adds to the rivalry. On my first playthrough when I was younger, I lost to Riku countless times and it just made me want to kick his ass even more. Love it, good work Everglow.
  • It’s funny because in the first game, I thought Riku was such an asshole, but then he quickly became my favorite character
  • @doughnuthead8757
    It took 33 episodes, but we made it to the original game. The beginning of KH1 always gets to me. It's my favorite tutorial of any video game; the choir, the rose stained glass pillars, having an ominous person ask you about yourself and telling you not to be afraid while guiding you through fighting shadowy monsters followed by seeing three friends getting psyched to go on an adventure. Takes me back to Christmas of 2002. Oh, and nice touch on the flashbacks of Ventus and Terra for Sora and Riku.
  • @GL_099
    Fun fact: The passwords to the hidden basement at 7:00 are the names of the six apprentices: Xehanort, Even, Braig, ienzo, Dilan and Aeleus.
  • The conversation between Xigbar and Zexion is really interesting considering they're both now on opposite sides. Knowledge that may very well turn the tide in KH3...
  • @BradleyMcCloud
    Funny how, when you change the order of story events, it feels completely different than how you would normally play in release order.
  • Oh my gosh that flash to VENTUS during the Chamber talk was amazing! :o It will help people watching these to catch up and get some more clarity about what the two chambers hold. :) :) Also it reminded me of KH2's intro where Roxas keeps having those flickering TV image dreams about Sora.
  • @Elgranmentor1
    Love what you did with Ventus in the Awakening of Sora. Really, really nice! Congratulations from Spain!!
  • @Hypellander
    The timing of the scenes (especially Aqua’s) is perfect, it shows the constant attention of Everglow towards details. During “Dive to the Heart”, we see Snowhite’s pillar first: she’s asleep, meaning she’s already been captured by Maleficent (infact during the game it is possibile to discover she is captured right before Alice), while the dwarfs are still awake, meaning their world has not fallen yet to the darkness. Therefore, the fact Aqua reaches Castle of Dreams in the World of Darkness shortly before Sora’s dream makes perfect sense, since she’ll arrive in the Dwarf Woodlands later. La collocazione delle scene con Aqua è perfetta e denota la costante attenzione di Everglow ai dettagli. Durante “Dive to the Heart”, vediamo per prima la colonna di Biancaneve: è addormentata, segno che è stata già catturata da Malefica (e infatti giocando si può scoprire che è stata catturata prima di Alice), mentre i nani sono ancora svegli, segno che il loro mondo non è ancora caduto nell’oscurità. Il fatto che Aqua arrivi al Castello dei Sogni nel Mondo dell’Oscurità poco prima del sogno di Sora quindi ha perfettamente senso, visto che in seguito giungerà nel Bosco dei Sette Nani.
  • @MarlonOgbeide
    I always wondered how these scenes would play set in chronological, I finally get to find out.
  • @thesoniczone11
    I was hoping you'd have KH1s opening sequence, since I feel that's apart of Sora's dive into the heart. Especially since it opens with him saying that he's been having weird thoughts lately, and stuff like that.
  • @thn4296
    I just realized that ansem report is really important, thanks Everglow
  • @treddox5880
    I was really hoping that the scene with Xemnas and Aqua's armor would coincide with the scene with Aqua and Terra in the Realm of Darkness. I guess you get a pass because he supposedly goes there more than once, and time is wack in the RoD. This is still a REALLY good episode!
  • @tatisakura81
    Awwww!!!! I loved this, and the little snippets of Ventus' story you add, brilliant! So cool! Great work!
  • @SmileTKD
    I've never, ever, made the link between the princesses and the "KH1 tutorial" with Ventus until NOW. I FEEL SO BLIIIIIIIND !