FTM Hysterectomy - 11 Days Post Op

Published 2023-11-28

All Comments (21)
  • @FindingYaya
    Your surgeon fighting for you without you even knowing made me tear up. Thank you for sharing!
  • @KarinaCappucci
    Glad you're back Alex! I completely understand why you'd want the procedure and you should never feel bad for receiving gender affirming care.
  • @bradcarter5610
    I had a complete hysterectomy and oophorectomy done at 18 in 2016. I'm in the US and, at the time, the legal system couldn't require for an individual to undergo surgery to be granted a gender marker change. It was downright illegal on the federal level. I had 4-5 hearings over the course of a year and none of the judges would grant me my gender marker change despite having been on T for almost two years BECAUSE I had a female reproductive system. So I got it done. Honestly, it was like getting my tonsils out. It was all done laparoscopicly and I've got no scars from it. I had an elderly male doctor and a middle aged female doctor as part of my care team. They didn't bat an eye and they treated me just like every other person. They made me as comfortable as possible. I didn't have to take estrogen but I did have to stop taking T a week or two prior. I was only in the hospital overnight. After surgery they came in once or twice to clean me up and take my catheter out. Otherwise they didn't fuss with my downstairs. I only took a day or twos worth of pain killers. Shoot, I felt well enough to move my tempur pedic mattress off the bed frame to the floor so that I could get in and out of bed easier. I was bloated and sore but it truly didn't last long. My insurance company agreed to cover the full cost of the surgery until I filed for my name change. They dropped me but later reinstated me with a co-pay. At the time, it was a massive deal but I'm 8 years on T now and I hardly ever think about it. It did take a while for my hormones to adjust but once they did I felt super peaceful and even if that makes sense. I will say, if you have it done you cannot stop taking T. I went a year off of T because finding an Endo that is trans-informed here is HARD and I felt like dog shit. Pre-T my levels were naturally 75 ng/dL. A year off my levels were dead 0. Now that I've had it done, I don't have to worry about cancers, pap-smears, surprise periods (I had PCOS and bled heavy for 4 months daily because of T), competing hormones, etc. My only regret is not freezing my eggs. I've no desire to have children but I do with I had the option. It's all about sacrifices at the end of the day and I believe it's fully worth it. Hopefully by sharing my experience I've provided some food for thought to those considering this procedure.
  • @foxgloved8922
    Glad to hear from you Alex. You were a light in the dark for me around 2015 when I was first realizing I was transmasc.
  • @davidewing3438
    As an old gay man. Go you! You do what's right for you, that's all that matters. 🎉
  • This is the first video of yours that has been recommended to me in years. The last time I watched one of your vids, your goal was to grow a beard. Not to get parasocial, but I was genuinely so delighted to see how much you've changed since then. Congrats.
  • @TigerPrawn_
    I was reading some Reddit threads about examinations down there and oh boy, so many people have bad experiences, it's fucking shocking. I think it would be totally understandable for anyone to do what you did just to not have to go through that. It's 2023, people should not have to be traumatised by going to the doctor anymore. Also where I live - people with a uterus who are over 23(?) get an HPV test kit home as an alternative to having a smear test. It's so much simpler, you put a swab (like in a covid test) into the cave and that's it. No invasive, huge objects being inserted there. Since it tests for HPV - what causes cervical cancer, it should really be the only necessary thing to do.
  • I got my surgery date for hysto 3 days ago. Which is the 21 of December. I was very anxious of being on Christmas break with family during my coming out of surgery. Hearing about your perspective and the journey. It helped so much. Thank you so much. ❤ I feel less alone having this video with me as the days are passing. I couldn’t be more grateful. ❤
  • @1258-Eckhart
    Great to hear from you Alex. Many congratulations for toughing this out and thanks so much for including us in the loop. You are a major source of information and education on trans issues and a source of consultancy for those lucky enough not to have to go through all this. Nobody will ever get past me if they try calling trans issues into question.
  • @ChromeSkeletons
    Thank you for sharing your experience with us Alex, I'm transmasc and also had a traumatic experience having a hysterectomy last year. I am honestly still recovering, mentally and physically from healing complications I experienced. This was a tough video to watch but I can't tell you how relieving it is to know I'm not the only one to have such an experience and to hear about someone else knowing a little bit of what it was like. I hope your recovery continues to go well and wishing you the best moving forward
  • @cursivart
    Seeing you so fuckin happy after watching a video of you at your most stressed about not being able to go on T yet years and years ago warms my heart. Congratulations on your journey, Alex. You're amazing.
  • @tree.mctree
    it is so amazing to watch you through the years.
  • @yemayajk594
    So wonderful to see you and get this update! I’m one of your followers who can say, “I remember when” as I found your channel in the time you were waiting to be old enough to seek transition. I’ve learned so much from you and refer anyone who will listen to watch some of your vids or read your book (which I have here). So now fast forward through top surgery, getting out on your own, a new career and today when I scrolled through my subscriptions yours of course was near the top. And as I ha$nt checked for a while want to see what’s up. Because there wasn’t “lead up” vids I missed I’m glad you included so much detail about what was up physically and mentally that brought you to the decision. Again, you are a talented story teller, Alex. You summarize it all but include little scenarios which make it personal vis a clinical run-down. You blush… cover your face, and it’s priceless. And whether you know it or not, you are able to bridge generations and create a common language. I’m a 70 yr young mother and grandmother. I would be honored to sit with any of them and share your videos if ever any wants to explore this topic, knowing that you are age appropriate for ALL of us! And that’s a rare gift. 💖 One of the things I talk most about when I bring you into a conversation is what I’ve learned about body dysphoria through you. In the early vids your pain was right there,so present and I wished somehow I could take that away. Of course I couldn’t but watching your journey, how sometimes the smallest thing gave hope, well, it was inspiring. And then there was T and Top surgery. And pretty much once the beard came in strong, life seemed so much more balanced. So having said that, I appreciate that you’ve talked here about those bits that still didn’t fit and how knowledge of care expectations to come were triggering. Of course, I hadn’t thought of any of this! I’m thinking, ‘On T, all’s good, no worries.” Never thought about atrophy! And I’m laughing because I’m long beyond my E years! Uh DUH! So thank you again. I miss seeing you with the regularity I once did but I consider that to mean you are living a full life and are engaged in your creative world. Just know many of us around the world truly wish you that full, active, and rewarding life! May you feel the love always. — Yemaya from across the big Pond.
  • @mrgreenleafx
    Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us again! I'm always incredibly grateful for your videos so if you ever feel like making more of them I'm sure gonna watch them all!
  • @angelof_music95
    congrats on the surgery! vid is so imfomative! thank you for posting! was so excited to see you pop up when I opened up YouTube!
  • @mymx5az
    Having worked in Surgery, Recovery, and post surgery units for many years I have to say that your narrative from beginning to end was spot on. I bought your first book and it was of equal quality. Best wishes to you for good health now and in the future!
  • Thank you for being so willing to share, Alex! I'm sorry for the difficulties you had to work through, but I'm glad (and unsurprised because you've always seemed like such a trooper to me) you handled it. A hysto is super far off for my transition but getting your first-hand knowledge at any point is helpful. You were one of my earliest inspirations when I was coming out, and though I haven't kept the most up-to-date with your videos, I still think on you fondly. Happy you're well, dude!
  • @caldvmon
    This is incredibly educational, thank you for being so vulnerable and sharing your experience. Lots of love 🫶