SCP-001 - Can SCP-049 Finally Cure When Day Breaks?

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SCP 049 is a Euclid Class anomaly also known as The Plague Doctor.
SCP-001 is an Apollyon Class anomaly also known as When Day Breaks.

SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor.
SCP049 is capable of speech in a variety of languages, though tends to prefer English or medieval French.
SCP-049 will become hostile with individuals it sees as being affected by the Pestilence, often having to be restrained should it encounter such. If left unchecked, SCP-049 will generally attempt to kill any such individual; SCP-049 is capable of causing all biological functions of an organism to cease through direct skin contact.

SCP-001 is the designation given to the Sun, after an event occurred that resulted in roughly 6.8 billion casualties within the first twenty-four hours. Upon contact with visible light produced by SCP 001, living organisms liquefy at the point of contact, with the effect spreading until the entire organism is converted into a form resembling melted wax. Organisms exposed to SCP001 though, do not perish.

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Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors.

SCP-001 - Can SCP-049 Finally Cure When Day Breaks? is based on
"SCP-049" by Gabriel Jade and Djkaktus:
"S. D. Locke's Proposal" by Shaggydredlocks:

#scpexplained #scp #animation

コメント (21)
  • “Only those with weak constitutions and no achievements of their own spend their days dragging others down” That’s a nice quote.
  • Not gonna lie. I’d love to see a canon where the Foundation discovers the pestilence is real and appoints the Plague Doctor as a site director to research it.
  • I love this premise - there would hardly be any objections at all if the series continued with 049's efforts in a world where Day broke
  • I think 049 was onto something with that green stuff he used to try and cure a victim of when day breaks. It did something. Luckily Lord Blackwood is still around. He might know some plant base organism that might help from his travels. After all, we can't forget all the scientific stuff as well as the weapons that was found along side his journals when the foundation searched his old place.
  • Whether 049 found a cure for When Day Breaks or not, 035 might have done the remaining humanity a favor by giving 049 a different purpose than finding a cure for what he calls 'plague' by getting 049 interested in what's going on outside.
  • @racso0018
    Can we actually get some respect for Fernand? He sacrificed himself so the doctor could be saved and continued working on the cure
  • @geardog24
    After all these years Fernand finally became the hero he always wanted. 🥺
  • I really hope they actually make a happy ending to SCP 001, it's easily one of the most horrifying scp's, so it would be nice to actually have a good ending
  • This was pretty good. It's nice to see some of the scps working together and socializing with one another. They actually tried to help with the situation and that was cool. Thanks for all the likes and replies. Didn't expect so many. Everyone here is totally awesome dude.
  • I like the idea of the "good" SCPs coming together to form their own SCP Foundation To Secure, To Contain, and To Protect.....Humanity
  • Dr. Bright: SCP-049 is the epitome of the Hippocratic oath. He'll never give you up. He'll never let you down. [SCP-049 enters the room] He'll UHHHG ..... thud SCP-049: Shut up, Dr. Bright...
  • @Vlask
    Perhaps the Good Doctor Could find a way to at-least weaponize his "green substance" to defend his lab until he can find a cure,
  • @Ratheartz
    The fact that even Ferdinand the Cannibal is affected. It scares me. However i do not believe 049 would be affected due to no physical skin being visible.
  • Dang never thought Ferdinand would sacrifice himself like that. Makes me wonder about the other human/humanoid SCP in containment. But I think the Doc might have a chance at curing WDB but they still need to cure the sun. This sounds like Sarkitism at work.
  • Ferdnand looks so adorable with that outfit. Terrifying, but adorable.
  • For some reason, I want a full blown series on 049 going through When Day Breaks. Edit: I've created a full storyline of my idea, so here it is (Quick side notes, my headcanon for this story is that When Day Breaks 343 and When Day Breaks 049 are in the same universe, and that 049 is already covered in clothes, and his mask can technically protect him. The Sun's effects don't have an effect on 049 due to him already covering his entire body). 049 leaves the now abandoned Site, but prepared. Just before leaving, the doctor took a level 5 security clearance SCP Foundation card, his supplies, and as well as a an assault rifle and pistol, ammo, and grenades from the Site's Armoury. And all set, The Plague Doctor took one last look at the very place he's been held at for who knows how long, shedding a tear at the lost of his friend, Fernand, and set off. He ventured through ruins of cities and towns, using his equipment from the armoury not as a defense against the ravenous monsters, but as a distraction, shooting in opposite directions of where he was going, setting off explosions to lure the monsters away, it's not like those weapons could do anything against the blobs. He saw what that gooey conglomeration from the tunnels did to that survivors, even when they had firearms. Although the chaos around him insues, he still pushes on, not even wanting to kill the very monsters, because in the masked physician's eyes, these are still people that need to be cured. Through his travels, 049 was actually able to reach another SCP Foundation Site, where he could take refuge, but unfortunately, he's out of equipment. All of his ammo and grenades are out, so he dropped his weapons before entering. He noticed that the entire site has been abandoned, but still in perfect shape. He heard muffled gurgles down the hall, but were soon cut off by a sharp swing. Fortunately, The Plague Doctor was able to resurrect a few dead personnel that weren't consumed by the gelatinous blobs, and was also lucky enough to find a Flamethrower. Heading into the cafeteria, 049 encountered a group of survivors fending off a number of 001 instances. Only now 049 realizes, those aren't people anymore. They're predators, wanting to merely consume and destroy, crumbling 049's morals. He couldn't take it anymore. 049 ordered his zombies to attack the masses of flesh, while he signalled the survivors towards the exit, while 049 himself rushed ahead, burning the blobs one by one, until he made it to the communications room. There, he found multiple plans on the monitors, plans to activate SCP 2000, plans of possibly building rockets that would transport humanity offworld, and one that distinctly caught 049's eye, The Garden of Eden, guarded by the Gate Guardian, with exact coordinates and landmarks onto where it is located. 049 somewhat knows of the Bible, and of the Tree of Life. "Maybe," 049 thought to himself "maybe the Fruit from the Tree of Life can finally cure the world" and with those words, 049 set out on his Ultimate goal: get to the Garden, get the Fruit of Eternal Life, and cure all of those who've been touched by the unholy pestilence. When 049 reached the cafeteria, multiple 001 instances surrounded him, spewing out of the walls. That was just when a black, inky hand reached out to grab one of the blobs, with another black portal opening up to reveal 076, charging through, slashing through the 001 monsters, with SCP 106, melting the conglomerations with his corrosive abilities. All 3 of the entities fought the Sun's creations, clearing out the entire facility. "What are you two doing here? 049 asked "We were merely hunting for anymore humans for us to slaughter. We heard the sweet screams of survivors in this place, so we went to feast, but all we found we puddles of wet flesh," Able responded "Well I must say, thank you for the help" 049 said. They all soon went their separate ways, with 049 heading for the next town. When he reached a nearby town, he heard Dinosaur like roar, and immediately went to investigate. Turns out it was SCP 682, getting a chunk of his rib cage sliced off by one of the 001 monsters. When the Lizard was leaving the Area, the rib cage slowly started to regenerate it self into another 682, but surprisingly, 049 was able to zombify the rib of 682 into being commanded by the Plague Doctor himself. The physician soon rode on the back of a zombified clone of the Hard to Kill Reptile. In the distance, 049 spotted SCP 343 saving a group of survivors and leading them towards a secret Foundation facility, with 049 and zombie 682 following right behind. The plague doctor told his 682 clone to wait outside as he enters the facility. As soon as 049 enters into the secret Site, he's immediately aimed at by half a dozen Foundation guards and MTF and told to stand back. Soon, Dr. Bright, the head director of the site, came foward to greet 049. "Hey there, 049! Welcome to Site 19! I'm surprised you aren't meatloaf yet!" Dr. Bright said. "Listen Bright, I'm not here to play games, neither am I here to hurt anyone here. I'm just here to get information about the Garden of Eden and how to get there," 049 responded. "Huh. Since when were you interested in some fruit?" Bright chuckled to himself "Damn it Jack! Humanity is a blink away from completely being consumed by the Pestilence! I need to get to the Garden now!!!" 049 yelled. "Alright! Alright, calm down. I'll help you get to the Garden, and I have something that may help you in your journey," Bright said while smirking at 049. He lead the Plague Doctor down a large hallway until they stumbled upon Site 19's morgue. It was like a library to 049, starting to laugh. "I can't thank you enough, Jack! Thank you for this!" 049 said, laughing. "Don't thank me, thank the Class D. They really helped fill up this place," Dr. Bright responded. 15 minutes later, 049 finally "cured" 500 bodies, armed with multiple weapons. "I can get about 25 Ospreys for your army, including yourself and the zombie lizard, how does that sound?" Bright asked "I'll be fine with that. Thanks, Bright," 049 said. 25 Ospreys land at the Garden, with the Gate Guardian roasted by what seems to be a reality anchor "Someone's on the Garden, and it isn't those creatures," 049 said, sounding worried while picking up the Guardian's sword and putting on his back. Suddenly, hoards of blobs and mutated creatures soon charged towards the Gate. 049 ordered his army to defend the Gate, with only the zombie 682 and 049 entering the Garden. The 2 anomalies wandered around for a bit, until they finally spot the Tree of Life. When 049 was about to touch one of the fruits, MTF Tau-5 show up behind trees, with them now trying to take out the zombie 682, while 049 gets up to run towards the Tree of life, but when he gets up, he sees one of the last overseers guarding the Tree of life, it was him. 05-1 The two longingly stared to each other, both in anger, with 049 just realizing that this man's name tag is 05-1's. He's facing the very person who orchestrates every single movement the Foundation has ever made "You're very interesting, 049. I'm quite surprised you survived this far." 05-1 said in a deep, cold voice "Stand aside, overseer. I must cure the world now, and this time, no one would dare to lock me up like you did to me," 049 said, clutching his fists. 05-1 swiftly pulls out Lucifer's sword and dashes towards 049, who has already drawn the Guardian's sword and stands in a blocking stance. The 2 exchange blows with their weapons, with a pit of fire forming around them, while the Tree of Life stands protected by heavenly power, MTF Tau-5 still fighting the zombie 682, knocking out 2/4 members of the squad out. 05-1 dodges an overhead strike from 049 and kicks him to the ground, getting ready to deliver the finishing blow, but that's when 049 grabs a sedative needle from his right pocket and throwing it like a shuriken towards 05-1, landing it directly in his right arm, making 05-1 drop Lucifer's sword. Quickly getting up, 049 injects the sedative into 05-1, making him weaker. 05-1 pushes 049 and they grab their weapons and continue their duel. Meanwhile at the Gate, the zombie army was able to keep back the Sun's monstrosities, however a large chunk have been able to sneak into the Garden and are heading for 05-1 and 049. 05-1 parries 049's swing and goes for a stab, but that's when 049 punches his opponent, severely weakening one of the last 05, but not killing him. While 05-1 was distracted, 049 picks up the Gate Guardian's sword an plunges it deep into 05-1's chest. "No more pain for us," 049 said before finally decapitating 05-1 for good. The ground reformed around 049, allowing him to grab some fruit from the Tree of Life, squeezing the juice out of the fruit into his reanimation concoction, then pouring it into his syringe. Just then, a massive blob was charging towards 049, and with a good time to test his new concoction, 049 injected the syringe into the giant blob, injecting the juice into the monster. A few seconds after the injection of the serum, the blob started to fall apart into individual humans, and soon the melted humans started to reform into regular human beings, retaining their memories, bodies and voices. 049 had finally done it. He scanned them, and they were crystal clear. Clear of the Pestilence. All of the Tau-5 operatives have been knocked out with 049's zombie steed fine, still regenerating. 049 commanded what was left of his zombie army to created his new serum he calls "The Cure to All" loading them all up in the Ospreys. 049 finally achieved his goal. He can finally cure people without consequences. "It's time to cure the uncurable" -049 I've been writing this for 2 and a half hours
  • Weird seeing them work together but like this is actually pretty interesting. We need more situations where certain SCPs work together like this, lol
  • You know it's amazing how a very smart doctor like 049 somehow forgets he has the touch of death ability at the worst times for himself he really should wear a pair of gloves or something (yes I know his hands are already technically gloves but yeah it wouldn't impede his ability to work with a thin pair of gloves on)
  • @mkm0575
    I'm glad they are turning this into a series. SCP 049 can easily Carry a 3 or 4 part series on his own.