Hysterectomy Tips for Transgender Men


コメント (21)
  • @wwaspy
    i visited my dads house the other day and found some of your old “transphobia ain’t cute” merch! i got that right at the start of my transition almost 6 years ago
  • @nate6045
    Had my hysto a week ago so here's a supplemental experience: From an American standpoint, since our healthcare sucks they WILL try to send you home same day. With me I have good insurance and I woke up practically screaming in pain so we all decided I better stay overnight. Yes, they sent me to the maternity ward. I had my own room but it was still uncomfortable. The staff gave me more attention than the rest of the unit because I guess I was the only one that just had major surgery and they empathized. Also hospitals are understaffed so be prepared for that. It sounds like your incisions were larger than mine. They went in through my belly button along with two small incisions on either side of me. I didnt have dressings, I had bandaids. It felt more like large papercuts than anything. I had no backpain and no bleeding (somehow) so I'm grateful for that. I did have a lot of trouble with my bowls. I couldnt go for 3 days. Absolutely use miralax and stool softeners post op, especially if you're given opioids as those have a higg chance of making you constipated. Motrin and advil are going to be your best friend after discharge since opioids dont reduce swelling but advil and motrin do and boy were my bowels swollen! That is something I had never experienced before. I thought I had to poo when it was really just inflammation. Finally I highly recommend getting this done by someone who specializes in endometriosis. According to my pelvic floor specialist, about half her trans masc patients have had it. We decided to remove my appendix at the same time in case I did too. If you've ever had especially painful periods, you might have it. Edit: wanna retract my original statement that I didn't bleed. The blood only started a week post op. It was bad enough that I had to eat steak for two days to recover iron and I was pretty cold from the blood loss. Get yourselves an electric blanket, it made my time a lot easier.
  • Transman here, I had my hysterectomy back in June and I wish I knew half of this stuff before getting into it lol I felt like I was so unprepared when the day finally came xD I noticed I almost felt like 100% like 4 days after surgery and I tried to act normal, driving around, doing stuff, and I learned very very quickly that that was a mistake. Ended up with major bleeding, but no tears or anything bad, but boy did it scare me a lot lol. Thank you so much for making this valuable resource!
  • Before I had my hysterectomy the nurses and anesthesiologist immediately asked "What's your preferred name? And what are your pronouns?". I absolutely wanted to hug them right then and there. ALSO- Get a reading pillow! It's literally a godsend for getting out of bed etc!
  • God that was so reassuring and welcoming! I def needed this bc my surgery is in two weeks. I feel much better about what to expect. Thank you for making it and sharing with the community ❤
  • @ccchipccclips
    I have mine in 5 days! Perfect timing so I can sort everything I need. Thank you :)
  • Oh my god, I`m sitting here trying to not breathe too hard to not rip open my non existing internal scars lmao. I have such a big fear of surgeries like this so I think realistically I would try to avoid it unless I absolutely needed it. I`m not so scared of top surgery tho, so I`m definetly getting that. All of you going through this surgery are so brave and I hope recovery goes well!
  • @brody1216
    I've been thinking about planning my hysto and this was a great video to come up!! Thanks for putting your experiences out there for other trans people to see :')
  • @hatsuukiK
    It's nice seeing you come back a bit on youtube, and thank you for the tips ! I'm thinking more and more of doing an hysterectomy and there's not a lot of ressources around this surgery compared to top surgery
  • thank you so much for this! weirdly enough, i've just been booked in for my hysto in february, so it was great timing, hope youre doing great in your recovery!
  • @mason4137
    Thanks for sharing tips ❤ I’m getting ready to have mine hopefully within the year.
  • @EvTheVeg
    Next week I have a phone call where I'm hopefully getting a surgery date (hopefully February time)! Been waiting a long time 😅
  • @Grouch3682
    You've grown so much since the video with the custom sherlock monopoly board :) so sick to see your journey through the years!
  • @HotPanDan
    You have beautiful fluffy kitties!! Do you post anywhere else?
  • this makes me wonder if Norway is just wilding with their hysto routines. I was sent home the day after surgery and had to endure roughly 60 miles of travel by train and plane 🕺 the pain was bearable, but I was so nauseous from the anesthesia that I didn’t eat for the whole day and was terrified I would vomit on the plane.
  • @markothy8
    Thank you for this video! So helpful, I have hysto in less than a week. I just have a question. How was going up and down stairs?
  • Entertainment is a real concern. I went through a book and a half of word and number puzzles during hysto recovery plus multiple seasons of a new show and it was barely enough to keep me sane.