Psychiatrist Explains: Incel Radicalization Process

Published 2021-05-24
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#DrK #Incels #Radicalization

All Comments (21)
  • @celticlord88
    Also the way society shames men for being virgins at any age greatly contributes to the ease with which one can become an incel.
  • You can see the chat just turn off their empathy and start meming the moment incels are brought up lol. Even good communities do it
  • @SpaceOddity174
    Pls no background music, it feels weird for any longer videos just having one tune the whole time, and it also wouldn't make sense to change songs since there aren't any distinct segments, so imo no music is ideal
  • @monkeytime9851
    "Incel" is a pretty bad term. There are plenty of people who are unable to get boyfriends/girlfriends. It isn't always because they have toxic personalities. Equating "incel" with hateful bitter men is pretty awful.
  • @slax4884
    Only thing I disagree with is that he said there isn't a crowd of people calling someone an incel. There absolutely is, it's an epithet online
  • @darlantro
    Healthy Gamer: We support the incel community... like, in a good way though,... generally speaking,... wait, maybe there's a better way to put that,... ™
  • @ez6791
    Id love to see him teach people about social psychology, propaganda, group think and such
  • i like that when i watch this guy i DONT feel like im loosing braincells. good find.
  • I understand the advice to get out there and try, but my question is "and do what?" Like, genuinely. I'm as shy and socially awkward as they come, I don't feel conformable in any situation where there are people, heaven forbid strangers. How am I supposed to perform at my best socially with a potential life partner when I'm busy staving off anxiety attacks?
  • @DIVAD291
    I find the whole "oh it's the internet" argument to be quite hard to believe considering that "incels" were already a thing(in essence) LONG before the internet.
  • I clicked on this because it’s interesting & this channel is great but I’ve gotta admit I’m kinda scared what the algorithm is gonna throw my way after watching a video about incels.
  • @Wtb_skill
    "If you are an incel go to a forest and start meditating." Dr Chad Thundercock 2021
  • @saaah707
    As you said, in a partnership, partners must choose one other. Therefore, it is true that women choose men. The underlying problem incels face is that it doesn't matter who they choose, because they don't get chosen back.
  • @LordVader1094
    I feel like a big part of incels becoming a thing is because of people making it a popular thing to hate them on a wide public scale online. Like all the videos a year or so ago that was all about laughing at them. Or how "incel" is now a common insult, basically replacing the older "virgin". Basically, it's a problem created in large part by it being given massive exposure by people deciding to make them the focus of many a cruel joke, which does nothing but enflame the issue.
  • @RedLogicYT
    I think it's more so people purposely trying to isolate people who already feel isolated. Understanding- not rejection- will help them.
  • @kilgour22
    It's important to note that research on incels is nascent and generally of poor quality. For example, the term "incel radicalization process," coined in 2020, was formed on the basis of analysis of a single reddit post on r/braincels, by researchers who even admitted to being biased: "the women researchers were often profoundly disturbed by the content of the transcripts. Besides, it was often hard for us to separate our personal views as women from the real voices of the commenters" (Maxwell, Robinson, Williams, & Keaton, 2020, p. 1869). The YouTube study Dr. K. references, namely, Papadamou, Zannettou, Blackburn, De Cristofaro, Stringhini, and Sirivirianos (2021), is stronger, but their methodology and usage of charged language is highly questionable, given that they pared down the incels' lexicon and, at multiple times, used researcher discretion to determine if a video was incel-related or incel-derived. They also equivocated the degree of severity of the ideas within each category, leading to all videos in a category apparently having the same effect size in terms of radicalization. Perhaps the most telling aspect is that there have been literally zero studies done in which incels have been interviewed. In all the incel-related research, hypocrisies within the group as a collective have been ascribed to individual incels, treating the Elliot Rodgers of the world in the same terms as the average incel. It seems that researchers have refused to actually test to see if these group hypocrisies actually apply to individuals in the incel community. Note: I'm working on a paper on exactly this topic—lacunae within incel-related research—so I'm quite familiar with the particular studies Dr. K. is discussing. There's a lot more to the story, and of the "manosphere" in general. References: Maxwell, D., Robinson, S. R., Williams, J. R., & Keaton, C. (2020). “A short story of a lonely guy”: A qualitative thematic analysis of involuntary celibacy using Reddit. Sexuality & Culture, 24, 1852–1874. Papadamou, K., Zannettou, S., Blackburn, J., De Cristofaro, E., Stringhini, G., & Sirivianos, M. (2021). Understanding the incel community on youtube. arXiv:2001.08293v5.
  • @anonymouse7773
    Hey (if you read this), seeing so many happy comments (and Dr. K's face) makes me happy, I hope y'all are doing okay fam! I'm no psychiatrist like Dr. K, but I just wanted to share some input I feel like maybe others relate to: I've never defined myself as an incel, but the more I learn about them, the more I realize I have related to them at some point (well I should specify: the non-violent, non-misogynistic type). When Dr. K talked about feeling subhuman, something clicked, bc I have been there before, for a lot of my life actually. There are many different reasons for ppl feeling this way, and I think many ppl go back to childhood experiences that made them feel like this. For me it was bullying, anger issues I had that were never properly addressed, and abuse I never spoke up about. But hey, even if you don't have a specific reason, your pain is still valid but you can also do something to change it (I'll leave what that thing is up to the experts and your personal thoughts). Also, I feel like we base too many of our milestones based on what we see on media. Like, for real, how many ppl ACTUALLY relate to teen movie rom-coms? Not many, I can tell you that. And it's important to understand that, ppl are living their life on different timelines with different priorities. And we as a society have to learn to accept each other for that rather than making ppl feel weird about it. I am 22 and have come to the realization that I am okay and normal for never having been on a date or had my first kiss- I had my struggles growing up, had to take some time to introspect and change, and have also been hellishly busy with academic pursuits. And I really freaking like being alone and thinking and working on random ass projects (hopefully one of which I'll finish at some point, lol). And guess what society? You don't need to depict a nerdy character like me as someone that needs to be "saved and mature" with the help of a romantic partner that probably doesn't exist in real life- I am the way I am and that's all and ain't nobody ever gonna change my nerdy tendencies bc I am proud of them. That is the timeline I operate on, and when I feel ready, I will make a move. Capeesh? Anyway I hope you felt better after reading this. Love you all, my beta-gene peeps ;)
  • @MrMultiJer
    The background music was quite distracting, could you please not include it next time? Also could you put timestamps of the vod where you took this segment of in the discription? Sometimes I feel I need some context. Anyways thanks for what y'all do <3
  • @ksulli5505
    Not to be all incel-y but I think some people have very little choice that you're so hungry or starving for affection that one person might not pick, they'll default to whatever is available