The furrha family | homemade orange chicken recipe ,Answer some questions

Published 2024-05-23

All Comments (21)
  • There is a huge difference between being a mother versus a mother in law .But you love all your children equally ❤
  • ??? Why would anyone attack you guys over such trivial things??? You and Pops are PERFECT parents and great grandparents. It is perfectly normal for Sammy and Jalileh to want their privacy. Sammy is an open person, Jalileh clearly is not. Its her right to want privacy having a baby for the first time. Don't worry Samah, your true fans know your true heart and your true intentions. ❤
  • @TheVanessaLife
    I am currently pregnant with my first child and I don’t want anyone in the labor room with me besides my husband 😂 my mother in law asked if she can be in the room, I kindly said no.. my family understands plus they live over 1 1/2 hours away… We want to be left alone for a while and will probably accept visitors once we are home and settled. My husband and I are more private people and I get overwhelmed easily by so many people 😂 Moral of the story, leave them alone.. everyone is different 😊
  • It's always different with daughters in laws, especially if they have big families. Sammy was the last to leave home, and marriage and a baby within their first year is a lot to adjust to. Jalileh also isn't used to being on camera until she met Sammy so that was another adjustment. He's more serious of the sons it seems and Jalileh seems quieter, but they merge beautifully as a family. You and your 3 daughters are different as they are close to mama. Hannah and Fifi have kids, and Linda is the baby girl of the family and is still home and single. You haven't done anything wrong and Sammy is preoccupied with his family, new baby, and Jalileh's post partum recovery. The first place Jalileh is going to feel more comfortable is at her parents getting used to being a new mom, and getting new mom help from her mother. Rocky, Linda, and Kies are getting older and will leave the nest eventually so you can relax and have some time to yourself now. I can't believe people are commenting on your time with the newest baby. Idris isn't going anywhere, and you will see him plenty when they come over to visit. I'm sorry people are very rude when you don't deserve it. You and pops are excellent parents and grandparents! ❤❤❤❤
  • Samah is so beautiful and kind... you always have everyone's best interests at heart ❤ lovely lady x
  • I dont think you need to clarify these even if some commented. Its upto your family, u know how ur dil is and her likings, her culture and family is.your fainting prev night shows how sensitive you are😊
  • Thank you for sharing your video of your beautiful family ❤️ ♥️ The orange chicken looks delicious . Baby Taj is so cute, and the fur babies ❤❤
  • It's none of people's business. They need to stay out of Sammy's and wife life and there business already. Don't let people bother you guys okay. What people say ? All that matters is for you guys to be happy with each other that's all that matters okay sister. Love you guys???? You don't have to explain yourself to anybody in this world. Am here for you sister okay. Love you guys and you sister okay 👌👌👌👌👌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
  • I know how you feel sister. I took care of lots of kid's like you sister. People don't know how we feel or what we've done. Okay I will pray for you sister be strong okay. Many blessings to you and your family 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
  • @biancak7466
    Everything you said in the beginning was so accurate, I definitely got the same impression! Good for you Samah for standing in your truth. Always match peoples energy, especially if they don’t want it! You’re the best ❤️
  • @robinyeager3289
    You are a wonderful Mother Grandmother!! I love your videos, and your right this is your time. And its nobody's buisness!! Sending love❤ e
  • Linda needs to be nice to your mom girl. You have it made with your mom girl. You have no idea how made you have it on tell you lose them. Be nice okay Linda 😊😊😊😊😊 love you girl always 🥰
  • @natasha3410
    Let ppl say whatever they want.Ignore them completely. As for Fifi, you are her mom. She is your daughter. Jalilah is sweet but she has her own mom. She is DIL. The correct balance is to keep relations the way they are. Stay happy and remember you can't please everyone in life ❤
  • @dianeoshea1214
    Samah works hard for her grown up lids you are a great mum to your kids din t worry about the negative people that say anything about Sammy new baby boy he's so cute and say and jaillah are great family
  • @mariamoreno4669
    I 100% agree with you mama, we can see you guys are really trying to help but also, if help is not needed you don’t want to trespass boundaries, we get it! can see it! ….whoever can’t see it is blind or just doesn’t want to see it because they LOVE DRAMA! Sometimes daughter-in-laws prefer to have the help of her side. My Mum tried with one of her daughter in law but she didn’t want any help or advice from our side so we got it because we didn’t want to get involved in their relationship.
  • @sihembenzid
    It's a private thing It's a family thing you don't need to clarify, ارضاء الناس غاية لا تدرك