Knife Expert Breaks Down Nobody Bus Fight Scene with Bob Odenkirk | Scenic Fights

Published 2022-01-03
Kali Knife Expert, Logan Lo breaks down how realistic the bus fight scene from Bob Odenkirk’s Nobody (2021) is with MMA fighter, Chad Vázquez.

Train with Logan Lo and Chad Vázquez at Paxibellum
[email protected]

Here is the breakdown section for each martial arts and weapon techniques:

00:00 Intro
00:52 Nobody Bus Fight Scene Reaction
02:08 Wrist Grab Counter with Knife - Breakdown 1 of 6
03:11 Hammerfist reinforced with Wristwatch - Breakdown 2 of 6
03:46 Double Force Knife Attack - Breakdown 3 of 6
04:58 Seatbelt and Knife Combo - Breakdown 4 of 6
06:46 Icepick Double Wrap Arm Lock - Breakdown 5 of 6
07:20 Bus Pole Attack - Breakdown 6 of 6
08:40 Fight Scene Grade and Final Analysis

About Fight Scene Breakdown:

Scenic Fights’ Fight Scene Breakdown is the best martial arts fight scene breakdown that not only gives you expert analysis on the action scene, but also visually demonstrates the martial arts fight choreography.

Currently, season 1 features Pekiti Tirsia Kali Expert Logan Lo and black belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu MMA Fighter, Chad Vázquez.

Watch our other fight scene breakdown episodes which includes John Wick, Donnie Yen, Punisher, Atomic Blonde and more!

Let us know in the comments below, which video game, movie or anime fight scene you’d like to see us breakdown next!

About Scenic Fights:

Scenic Fights is the new place to celebrate the lifestyle and culture of martial arts practitioners, entertainers and action movie fans. We are just a bunch of martial arts action fans trying to grow a community we love. Help us by liking, sharing, hitting that notification bell and subscribing with us.

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About Nobody (2021) (Source Google):

Hutch Mansell fails to defend himself or his family when two thieves break into his suburban home one night. The aftermath of the incident soon strikes a match to his long-simmering rage. In a barrage of fists, gunfire and squealing tires, Hutch must now save his wife and son from a dangerous adversary -- and ensure that he will never be underestimated again.

Nobody (2021) is based on an idea by Bob Odenkirk, who dealt with a home invasion himself by trapping the trespassers in the basement. He was frustrated with how the authorities dealt with the situation and had thought about how he would take the matter into his own hands if he "was a badass." (Source IMDB).

About the Character: (source Nobody Wikipedia):

Hutch "Nobody" Mansell was an "auditor" for federal government agencies who would hunt down and execute treasonous individuals, until an experience with one target inspired him to retire as a mundane family man. After a break-in to his house, which he refused to resist, indirectly leads to a vicious brawl on a bus, he is targeted by a Russian mobster, forcing him to re-awaken his “skills” and fight back.

Watch Nobody here on Amazon Prime:
Sound designed and mixed by:
Robert Acocella

All Comments (21)
  • @ScenicFights
    Nobody (2021) was one our most requested action films and we absolutely loved it! We've been wanting to release the bus fight scene breakdown for a while now so we're happy it's finally live. As always, make sure to share with your friends, get them to subscribe and let us know which fight scene you'd like to see us breakdown next!
  • @B3RyL
    In defense of the metal pipe strike, the types of pipes they use on buses to hold on to are typically very light, usually made out of sheet metal or aluminum. Notice how Hutch easily pulls it out with one hand. So striking someone in the head with one probably wouldn't generate enough force to break their skull. A concussion, sure, but not a broken skull. I think Hutch knew that, and that's why he followed up with a strike to the throat - first strike was just a set up to break down the guy's defenses before a more precise and deadly attack.
  • @DeanS946
    One of the great things about this fight and the film as a whole, is how Odenkirk's Hutch has to "shake off the rust" during the action. This is a very relatable thing for fighters. Even if you're highly-trained, if you don't spar for a while, it takes a little while to get your rhythm back. I thoight that represented perfectly in this fight with the hits he takes, and then he seems to get smarter not only in what attacks he uses but also about his surroundings. Excellent breakdown as always.
  • In terms of the last scene, that is actually a real medical technique. If someone can't breathe by themselves, you can cut diagonally into their windpipe and put a small tube to help them breathe. It's called a tracheostomy. On the other hand, he also got a nightstick fracture and compressive skull fracture.
  • @DrBrunoDzogovic
    One of the guys in that bus fight was the actual stuntman that choreographed the whole scene. An amazing detail by itself
  • @Kennedy00Louis
    The choreography here is insane holy, it's like someone gave care and attention to all the hollywood flaws and fixed them, it just makes me smile so much.
  • @sasukefaan
    You guys probably have your schedule filled already for now. But dune definitely has some interesting fight scenes to check out.
  • @brocksrocks9012
    Great breakdown once again guys, loved how much Logan liked this to his point at the end, the last guy with the straw, does indeed die later from brain damage as his mob boss brother informs Hutch when he’s surprised that the last time he saw him he was still breathing, so yeah even there the movie acknowledged that while he was able to breathe and survive the encounter in the long run, the damage was too much, arguably that is what kickstarts the whole movie’s plot.
  • @gauloiseguy
    Let's take a moment to celebrate Bob Odenkirk selling that choreography to the tee. Very good movie. Loved it.
  • @natfoote4967
    The first rule of fighting is; it's a pretty sure thing everybody is going to get hurt. This fight scene embraces that maxim. Hutch is not portrayed as some untouchable, invulnerable superhero. He's just a guy with mad skills who can hurt the other guys a whole lot more and a whole lot faster than they can hurt him.
  • Logan never thought of using a watch as a weapon before, now he knows. Imagine him in his class referencing this movie "so if you wrap your watch around your fist like so...".
  • @nguyenvu428
    It is cool to see that the protagonist used the tools he had available with pretty good efficiency and used good counter measures,like getting out of the wrist control en slashing the wrist. Only the punches were quite wide, but overall good scene. And who says that a watch isn't multifunctional 😆
  • This is the kind of fight scene I love. Rather than an elegant display of choreography, it's a total brawl. Guys fighting tooth and nail to stay alive. You feel those punches, it's so nasty, yet so satisfying.
  • @zz1000zz
    I know others commenters have mentioned this, but I wanted to say one of the greatest things about this scene is the characterization and character development we see during it. At the start of the fight, Hutch is slow and takes a ton of hits because he's clearly rusty. The story tells us he's spent ages without fighting, and the action shows that's true. But as the fight progresses, we can see his skills and instincts come back to him. But it's not just Hutch this happens for. From the moment we see the guy in the yellow shirt, we can a "feel" for the type of person he is. He's in over hid head, trying to fit into a world of tough guys he doesn't belong to. This is reinforced when we see him in the back, pulling a knife in the fight without having thrown a punch. Then later, he's the only one to go for a gun. Without needing a word of dialogue, we understand who this person is. This is easily one of the best action scenes ever put to film. Not only is the action itself incredible, but the way it's used for story-telling is something we rarely see in movies. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This scene proves that's true. In just a few minutes of awesome action, we get characterization/character development that'd take a dozen pages of dialogue in a script to convey. Ir's fantastic.
  • @PhantomSavage
    Honestly the thing that still sets this scene apart from the rest for me is the fact there's that lull in the middle of the fight where everyone has to sit down a moment to moan about how bad they hurt and how badly they're injured... That might be the first time I've seen a movie portray how people really act the second the adrenaline fades away and the pain starts to set in. Also, they're look of fear and disbelief that Hutch comes back on the bus for more is just utterly fantastic.
  • @thejoxter6315
    “Your Honor, my client is simply built different”
  • @Sic_Ca_Rax
    They had taken into account that he was a post person... (SPOILERS) ... As in a later scene, they go "He has suffered severe brain damage and is unlikely to recover" supplemented by, "at least I left him breathing" So in my heart, it is an A+
  • @reaver2086
    "Post Person" had me laughing out loud. Awesome video guys
  • @goofydingodog
    OK Logan and Chad, once again another great fight scene breakdown. I also had wondered why Hutch was moving his watch. Great job pointing that out. Now for a little bit of nitpicking so Nobody can possibly get an A+ for the scene. As a machinist I want to point out that what Hutch used at the end of the scene for the head and throat strike was tubing and not pipe. Tubing is used for structural use, such as the bus's hand holds. Pipe is a vessel which water, gas, ect flow through. Pipe has a thicker wall and is heavier. Tubing has thinner wall and is lighter. Hutch could swing it faster but it would have less impact than a piece of black pipe like the one represented in your critique. Not quite a whiffle bat but definitely not a baseball bat either.
  • I just love how he's not some untouchable superhero. He gets hurt, and he gets hurt bad. There are even points where even his godlike willpower can't stop him from needing a few seconds to recover. Even him falling to his knees doesn't really seem like he was just getting a new weapon; his legs genuinely gave way for a bit and he just so happens to be a master of improv.