Make sure to read the pinned comment below for more info!
Some notes to read related to most of your curiosity and concerns about the 358/2 Days portion of the Timeline. Please read before expressing your concerns!
Please, bear in mind — THIS IS NOT A Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days remake! It will never, ever be, nor it is in our interest working on it. What we have been doing is just focusing on SIMULATING some of the original missions using KH2FM codes, adding in dialogues and cutscenes from both the original Nintendo DS and the HD 1.5 movie versions. You can’t just download it and play it and do these “missions” like in these videos. It’s not like you can download an actual game, boot it and see yourself playing as Xion and encountering random Heartless in every world like shown here. The Commands Menu on the bottom left corner is actually a picture, which is faithfully and constantly manually edited through video editing when attacking/using magic/using items/healing party members. In fact, I play with an invisible menu.
The Information bar appearing at the top of the screen is just a picture as well. The Heartless spawnings have been handled each time exclusively for recording purposes, it’s not like they would appear on regular basis as shown in these videos.
In other words, this is not a playable game, nor will it have any sort of remade cutscenes, rather a temporary “simulation” of some of 358/2 Days missions. Our goal is creating an exclusive, new perspective of 358/2 Days gameplay, mixing it with the original cutscenes and finally create the definitive experience of Roxas’s story, a character who deserves all of our tireless efforts and dedication.
And I’m proud to be a main part of this, being able to provide you such a unique experience. Just as I am extremely honored for having met and for working with such amazing people. Nothing of this would have been possible without their massive experience, impressive capabilities and, more than anything, patience!


Credits go to the following people:
- Disgustor, for the custom models and so much other incredible stuff.    / @disgustor  
- An anonymous contributor, whose extreme kindness and experience is a fundamental key for the success of this project.
- 13th Vessel, for re-texturing some models and maps:    / @13thvessel  
- Crazycatz00, for his Base patch v0.00.18233.0022p.
- SoraikoSan, for his model importer and moveset tool.
- Sonicshadowsilver2, for the UCM and much more:
- ohmiyamoto, for lending us her beautiful voice for dubbing the playable version of Xion. She’s been a precious help for us and without her we couldn’t bring life to such a perfect Xion! Please, take a few seconds of your time for thanking her with a tweet on, and follow her works on
- Project Destati, for letting me use some of their wonderful tracks:
- BlueNctrn, for his arrangement of Dance of the Daring:    • Dance of the Daring - Grand Arrangement  
- ToxicHydreigon, for his arrangement of Tension Rising:    • Video  

Of course, all of the gameplay recordings and various videos editing are made by me. We all really hope you could appreciate this massive job, just as we hope you can support us and keep us company during Roxas’s journey. This is your best chance to show your support, sound off your opinions and let us know that you, the fans, care about the project and the people behind us.
If you want to show your support or feel like donating and have morsel free to visit my Patreon page and follow me on Twitter to get in touch with me!

コメント (21)
  • "We may never see a 358/2 Remix, but we'll never forget KH: Timeline". This episode was so overwhelming... The amount of work behind this video is astonishing, in every possible way. I was dazed when I realized that Roxas's model was still the KH2, while Final Form Xion was from 358/2, all transitions and moves felt so natural! I totally agree with Everglow's decision, showing multiple forms for Xion would have totally broken the flow, this was the best way to portray the fight. And when I almost think day 357 is the action climax of the video, day 358 starts... Riku, dual-wield Roxas in "Full Power"... Wow. Once again, my thanks to Everglow and all the contributors for this amazing part of the project.
  • @ELJadeFox
    I will see you all in therapy everyone.
  • @OmegaEGGY
    "How many times do I have to beat you?!" This line holds new meaning with the way you did their fight lmao
  • What can I say that hasn't already been said? This is a masterpiece, plain and simple. Thank you for this, Everglow. What you have done for the Days saga is something myself and everyone else will never forget.
  • @Voltix15
    Okay but seriously Nomura or at least someone from Square Enix NEEDS to know about this, this is a HUGE milestone for the KH community no matter how you look at it
  • 7:15 WAS THAT NECESSARY. I already knew going into this would be a struggle, but seeing "finish her!" really hit it home Aside from arguably the most painful moment of the entire series, the editing done to the deep dive sequence was also just superb. This whole battle paired with Another Side at 19:45 is such GOOD STORYTELLING: the audible thunder crash whenever Roxas uses that magic, the oblivion on Riku, Riku's final limit at 22:05, and all those KH2 Sora combos being used by Roxas (which you're using to imply an incredible detail in KH2's story: Sora's moveset is entirely inherited from Roxas growth and hurt). 28:14 WHAT AN ENDING
  • Read this only after watching the video! Don't get spoiled! This episode represents a milestone to my channel and, I'm pretty sure to say, to the whole Kingdom Hearts saga. There's just so much I wanted to do for this video that I'm confident each one of you will love it. I feel the need to give some explanations about the treatment reserved to Final Form Xion, as a lot of you rightfully have high expectations. As most of you already imagined, it was VERY unlikely to get such a complicated model as Final Xion to properly work in KH2. We COULD have made it work, but she wouldn't do most of her basic attacks, making her seem like a puppet (ha) standing in the air. Unlike some bosses who were based on already existing movesets and AI, there are just technical limitations we can't overcome for this one. It's an important battle for Roxas though, so I did my best to make it unique in its own way, playing it in 16:9, with the highest quality settings and adding some extra features, like the PS2 interface and the usual battle quotes you've been listening for all the time. Which means I've manually added and edited in: - All of Roxas's grunts and battle quotes - All of the HUD (Roxas's HP bar, command menu, Xion's HP bar) - EVERY SINGLE hit dealt to Xion is a different picture I added in. Every time I hit Xion, her HP bar is manually edited in. Yes, that's crazy. - All of the sound effects and voices during the HD cutscenes in Xion's fight - The music has been edited in order to fit the moments and to end exactly when Xion is defeated - All of the Reaction Commands have been manually added there to simulate the actions, as if the player was actually pushing the triangle button Also, I decided not to add Xion's previous forms. Not only it would have meant adding all the things listed up here for those forms too, but I honestly feel that Xion's first, second and third forms kind of ruin the moment and the flow of the action after she walks in the air. Clearly, they've been originally added to give the player a bit more of a challenge, as each title of the saga has final bosses having multiple phases. On the other hand, from a storytelling point of view, letting her transform directly into her final form while still being in front of the clock tower after talking to Roxas makes more sense and doesn't ruin the flow. I've decided for the latter. Every Kingdom Hearts fan had the same dream at least once—being able to watch the epic fight between Roxas and Riku. Needless to say, the DS version of the fight failed to depict the importance of that fight. I'm definitely not the kind of guy who judges games by looking at their graphics but, unfortunately, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days really suffered from that. It's been an amazing and weird experience fighting Riku, a character I love to play as. I've been cautious to give the fight that feeling of both of them giving their best, each one of them having their own moments of dominating the match. It's fundamental thinking of Riku as an actual character we used to play as. This is the last episode of this series where I've added my own touch. We've began working on this Days simulation back in July. Time flew, and I'm extremely proud and also moved of what me and my friends have been able to achieve. Never would I've though I had to feel this feeling of sadness now that I've ended this section. Here I put all my desire and passion to the saga and to Roxas. - Some notes to read related to most of your curiosity and concerns about the 358/2 Days portion of the Timeline. Please read before expressing your concerns! Please, bear in mind — THIS IS NOT A Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days remake! It will never, ever be, nor it is in our interest working on it. What we have been doing is just focusing on SIMULATING some of the original missions using KH2FM codes, adding in dialogues and cutscenes from both the original Nintendo DS and the HD 1.5 movie versions. You can’t just download it and play it and do these “missions” like in these videos. It’s not like you can download an actual game, boot it and see yourself playing as Xion and encountering random Heartless in every world like shown here. The Commands Menu on the bottom left corner is actually a picture, which is faithfully and constantly manually edited through video editing when attacking/using magic/using items/healing party members. In fact, I play with an invisible menu. The Information bar appearing at the top of the screen is just a picture as well. The Heartless spawnings have been handled each time exclusively for recording purposes, it’s not like they would appear on regular basis as shown in these videos. In other words, this is not a playable game, nor will it have any sort of remade cutscenes, rather a temporary “simulation” of some of 358/2 Days missions. Our goal is creating an exclusive, new perspective of 358/2 Days gameplay, mixing it with the original cutscenes and finally create the definitive experience of Roxas’s story, a character who deserves all of our tireless efforts and dedication. And I’m proud to be a main part of this, being able to provide you such a unique experience. Just as I am extremely honored for having met and for working with such amazing people. Nothing of this would have been possible without their massive experience, impressive capabilities and, more than anything, patience! - Credits go to the following people: - Disgustor, for the custom models and so much other incredible stuff. - An anonymous contributor, whose extreme kindness and experience is a fundamental key for the success of this project. - 13th Vessel, for re-texturing some models and maps: - Crazycatz00, for his Base patch v0.00.18233.0022p. - SoraikoSan, for his model importer and moveset tool. - Sonicshadowsilver2, for the UCM and much more: - ohmiyamoto, for lending us her beautiful voice for dubbing the playable version of Xion. She’s been a precious help for us and without her we couldn’t bring life to such a perfect Xion! Please, take a few seconds of your time for thanking her with a tweet on, and follow her works on - Project Destati, for letting me use some of their wonderful tracks: - BlueNctrn, for his arrangement of Dance of the Daring: - ToxicHydreigon, for his arrangement of Tension Rising: Of course, all of the gameplay recordings and various videos editing are made by me. We all really hope you could appreciate this massive job, just as we hope you can support us and keep us company during Roxas’s journey. This is your best chance to show your support, sound off your opinions and let us know that you, the fans, care about the project and the people behind us. If you want to show your support or feel like donating and have morsel free to visit my Patreon page and follow me on Twitter to get in touch with me!
  • I... don't even know what to say. As I've commented many, many times before, seeing Days fully realized really has been a dream of mine for over a decade. To see the final act rendered with such extraordinary care and detail? It's truly the highlight of my experience as a Kingdom Hearts fan. I can't even begin to imagine how you managed to pull off the Xion and Riku battles, but Jesus, I'm so incredibly grateful to you (and everyone who contributed) for this. What a gift. What an astounding, beautiful, heart-wrenching gift. I'm going to miss your Days episodes so much. They've been such a steady flow of delight for almost half the year. But of course, as always, I'm thrilled to follow you into the next leg of the saga. Thank you.
  • I went into this thinking I was gonna cry tears of sadness, but then 28:11 happened and now I'm crying hype tears.
  • @SSBBMN64
    We will be for ever grateful for your videos Everglow, nobody and I mean NOBODY would put this much effort in to a work like this, other would just play all the cutscenes or just play the games on order. Not you, you made the part of the story many unfortunately glance over, this series is the best thing we have as KH fans I would as far as to say that even Nomura would be proud of this series, cant wait to see what you do for the rest of this saga and specially KH3
  • Everglow, just, no, stop you can't do this to me, the Xion fight, that last RC, then the skyscraper RC and THEN a second battle with Riku where you proceed to make Roxas look the most powerful warrior in KH history. This makes me think of what Days could have been... But nope. That was amazing. I look forward to the rest. The one bad thing is I now expect great things from the rest. A Roxas VS Axel fight with higher stats to meet the stakes or changing the point of view between Sora and Roxas during their fight are examples that come to mind.
  • Xion crystallizing into ice always seemed odd to me until I remembered she was created by Vexen... Speaking of which, it's a shame the CoM org members didn't get "consumed by their element" when dying in the remake like the KH2 ones did. Imagine Vexen being immolated and then freezing over right afterward.
  • I audibly gasped out loud at that hd xion boss fight oh my goodness ...the “finish her” prompt was too cruel. Good job. I cried.
  • Oh Xion, we are all really going to miss you.😢😢 I hope we see you again in Kingdom Hearts 3. 2:14-2:30 Oh Xemnas, what have you done to Xion? 4:08 Xion, don’t make me do this to you.😢 4:31 I really don’t want to fight you Xion! 4:57 I really don’t want to hurt you Xion! 5:17 Please Xion! I don’t want to kill you! 5:45 Xion please stop acting like this! This isn’t you! 6:10 I don’t want this bond to end like this Xion! 6:18 Please don’t make me do this Xion. 6:26 You’re leaving me no choice Xion. 7:16 I’m sorry Xion. I hate to do this to you. I hope you’ll forgive me. 8:16 Time to bring out the tissues.😢 8:53 Xion, please don’t die.😢 10:00 No, Xion no.😢 10:34 Xion is dead and gone. No.😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭 11:58 With Xion dead and gone, Axel has now forgotten her. 12:58 You can do this Roxas. Do it for Xion. 16:30 Fight your way through Roxas. Don’t let your promise to Xion be in vain. 18:36 No, Xion we don’t want to forget you! 19:43 Enough of this nonsense Riku, now get out of the way! 21:35 BRING OUT THE THUNDER! 26:21 Get after him, Roxas! 27:58-28:02 Roxas, what did you just say? 28:11 Alright, that’s enough Riku, this has gone on for far too long! Now get out of the way! 28:15 THRASH HIM ROXAS!!!! 29:07 Just give it up Riku! You can’t stop Roxas from getting what he wants! 29:10-29:13 Xion, was that you? 29:39-30:06 No, this cannot be. 30:21 No, Xion you can’t be gone.😢 31:27 Oh Xion, I’m sorry I let you down. I failed. 31:54 I understand now, Xion. Thank you and goodbye. I hope we get to see you again soon. 37:01 358/2 Days is finally over and on the next episode, Kingdom Hearts 2 will soon begin, so stay tuned for the continuation of Kingdom H
  • Marco, as a huge Roxas fan, I thank you, I thought I've known him, but your whole days section helped me meet him again, all the joy and sadness, you managed to bring all the lost glory to Roxas's Story, just told in a DS title, and HD cutscenes, to very well-made episodes where you put all your effort and love, Thank you for giving us the fans, the chance to remember Roxas in the best way possible before KH3 comes, where we'll find the end of his story, I'll keep these videos forever within my heart. 👑♥️
  • oh my god seeing Roxas in all the different "drive forms" was incredible! it's clear to see that this entire episode is filled with creativity!
  • God, KH2 Roxas’s and Data-Roxas’s boss battles are gonna have so much more weight to them now that we’ve gotten to see all that sweet salty pain and anguish the whole way through. From this point on, the KH Timeline only gets more and more poetic in how it uses your own heartstrings to play bittersweet violin solos of sadness and joy. Thanks in no small part to your top choices of Project Destati tracks, as well as those other nice gems you’ve found from other remixers.