What Was the Imperial Navy Thinking Replacing the Venator with this?

Publicado 2024-05-14
The Venator Class Star Destroyer was a 1000 meter long assault carrier with a wide range of capabilities, and is considered one of the most versatile ships in galactic history. The Galactic Empire would slowly phase out the Venator and replace it with the much smaller Quasar Fire Class Cruiser Carrier. We take a look at why the empire downgraded their main fighter carrier to such a small size.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @bendavis3778
    My friends and I built a 1:1 scale Venator Star Destroyer in Space Engineers, and I can definitely say that the large hanger door is very difficult. It took us almost 2 months to build the most complicated mechanism we've ever built to get the ventral doors to work properly, and all it takes is damage on one mechanism to make everything fail
  • They really created a lore conundrum when they made the Venator so awesome
  • @GAJake
    The quasar is great as a stationary starfighter platform for law enforcement deep within friendly territory because It’s low crew and cheap cost. The venator is a way more versatile naval carrier that can take a beating if found by the enemy and can provide a transport for marines and act as an orbital bombardment platform. You also don’t need the ventral door of the venator if you deploy your fighters before you enter a system and have them fly in hyperspace
  • @jebe4563
    They needed a cost effective way to distribute power against Moderate threats, and the the Light Carrier does that.
  • It's like WW2. Escort Carriers were present to stop enemy submarine attacks, be cheap, protect convoys, and light support roles but nothing more. It's likely that the Empire loved the idea of a convoy defender carrier (especially since ISDs couldn't be everywhere) and did well with it, but as the Rebels became more and more dangerous, they either tried to mass-produce the Imperial Escort Carrier in greater numbers or looked for something better.
  • Venators are overkill for some patrol duties. So smaller Quasar carriers are needed.
  • No idea why but the Quasar is one of my favorite imperial ships. Like it’s design screams “watchu gonna do about it”
  • @DesertGuy702
    It just looks so darn heroic. Palps likely found it repulsive.
  • @wangbot47
    One thing I'll say, the Quasar Fire was introduced in a really great book. Truce at Bakura is an absolute classic.
  • "Admiral, we need some more carriers." "Ugh, not this AGAIN, Lieutenant! Can't you see I'm playing with my Star Destroyers?" "I'm serious, sir. The Rebels are running rings around our frigates without a proper fighter screen, and we can't have a Destroyer in every system-" "FINE! Just approve the cheapest one you can find, and leave me alone! Oh, and put in an order for five more super-weapons, while you're at it!"
  • They replaced the Venator with the Secutor, which was a star destroyer scale super-carrier that functioned as the command ship of a task force
  • @LuoSon312_G8
    what about the "pocket carrier" the Gladiator Class star destroyer? they basically took an Arquitens doubled the hangar space, and gave it the armor and weapons to enable self defense.
  • The other advantage of smaller carriers is that if one is destroyed you've only lost 4 squadrons, rather than 40. So it's not just the cost of the vessel, it's the cost of the cargo as well.
  • I'm willing to bet that a venator is far more expensive to operate than 20 of those cruiser-Carrier ships Quasar has a crew of 250 pilots technicians and officers 150 troopers 48 fighters and several shuttles, landing craft, and utility vehicles Keep in mind this is for operating so thats pay, feeding, maintenance, fuel, outfitting costs. Now account for the distribution of force across a given zone. These things cover more territory, have a lower overall operating cost per cubic light year of territory, which can decrease response times. 20 units have 5000 crew, 3000 troopers, 960 fighters/bombers compliments, cost is 22 million credits for 20 units with increased numbers and smaller size there is less lapse in coverage when rotating ships for maintenance, refit, and other things. Venators are overly expensive, can only cover so much cubic light year of space in a given time frame, concentrates forces into a small area limiting response times and ability to respond to multiple crises. Venator- legends only available 😕 Crew 7600 Troops 2000 Fighters 384 Utility support 20-40 gunships, walkers, shuttles and a prefabricated base A single formidable vessel for warfare, terrible for holding and securing territory due to being a singuar expensive AF vessel Cost 59 million credits
  • I always thought that the smaller door was there to give someone entering or existing the ship the ability to do so without opening the main door but not eliminating the ability to open the full door. Sort of like a doggy door on a main door.
  • @noahvcat9855
    maintenance have always been the one true factor to consider and operational cost to keep a platform working throughout its life span, one of the main reasons why for example in the US Navy they replaced the F-14 with the F/A-18 is because even though the price tag to buy a brand new F-14 is cheaper then buying a brand new F-18, due to factors such as the moveable wings being a burden on crews to keep working as pretty much most other aircraft with moveable wings such as (my favorite) the F-111 also being notoriously high on maintenance partly due to the moveable wings but also as platforms age though of course designers do plan for a platform's lifespan but still generally as time goes on a aircraft's operational cost goes down more and more, especially if the infrastructure needed to it from anything like a specialized hanger that is needed to house said craft, to crews who have to be trained on how to use the tools and equipment and the experience they gain on doing so, to a specific spare part needed, if any of those things were to go down which they eventually will like the manufacturer stops producing that one spare part then now effectively that platform's operational cost and thus overall lifespan has been negatively impacted. Things like the F-18 was created as a response to these issues, learning the mistakes from the old and creating brand new infrastructure and simplified crew training and parts, that even though a brand new F-18 price tag is quite expensive, compared to its true cost its operational cost with that of the F-14, a F-18 is much cheaper in that regard. I think the Quasar more or less does the same for the Venator in that regard though obviously not taking over its role as the main carrier but it does fill a certain niche that the Venator also filled alongside being the main frontline carrier of the fleet. another tangent is that aircraft or this case starfighter readiness rate is something to consider which is how ready or how many aircraft are actually working in a fleet and not just something ready to fall apart, because aircraft and especially military aircraft are HEAVY and I mean HEAVY on maintenance, like what I explained already on the F-14 and F-111, you will inevitably find that not all aircraft in your inventory would be 100% working, if I recall that on public sources that the US Airforce, the no.1 most well funded and largest and most advanced and powerful airforce in the whole world right now currently reports that its entire fleet and that means ALL of its aircraft overall are at a readiness rate of 70% or something like that, that means every 10 aircraft in their inventory, only about 7 of them are actually working and thus can be used for military work, the other 3 are currently in the hanger being maintained or in rarer cases, being stripped down for spare parts, though if you have a smaller military or have a budget not as reliable or good as the US airforce like for example Russia or something then that readiness rate might be lower. So assuming the numbers are the same for both the empire and republic, the Republic has a very expensive fleet like not only probably about only 70% of their starfighters are actually working but considering a single Venator carries hundreds of aircraft of which they are all diverse and different like at least 5 different models which all perform different roles, this is a literal nightmare for flight crews who probably need to order at least 50 different spare parts just so barely maintain probably 3 different platforms while running short on the other two, with operational and logistical cost to consider then it is no huge wonder that the Empire ditched most fighter platforms and stuck to 2 or 3 for a single ship to carry, so it eases the mind of crews and to at least streamline the order of parts.
  • @viperson9818
    4 squadrons of fighters is more than enough to handle any pirate groups or subjugate many planets. Man I absolutely loved the imperial ships introduced in Rebels.
  • Even if it was too expensive, I'd keep the Venator Class SD in the core systems. Maybe not in large numbers but enough where they would be a viable asset. Heck, I'd keep them near the Death Star.