Local advocates say recent Supreme Court ruling is problematic for people experiencing homelessness

Over 18,000 people were without homes last year in Ohio and Michigan. Local advocates say Supreme Court's ruling doesn't help the unhoused. Instead, they need homes.

コメント (6)
  • SCCOTUS in past rulings determined that being a “pauper” or incarnation of them was against our Constitution. Yet, by this timing, we’ve set the clock back over 100 years.
  • Come camp on my land, and your problems will be over
  • An easier alternative to homelessness is to put down the pipe and pick up a toolbelt, whatever your tools happen to be. True story, there is oodles of help out there if you seek it out. Or....just get high, Your choice:face-orange-biting-nails:😂
  • A lot of homeless people are not mentally fit to live on their own. They need supervised housing, like dorms.
  • 😂😂😂 every ruling from cheeto's court is a detriment to america.... No surprise. But from dobbs onward, the people say fu to the "court"