Trans Woman Reacts to Detransitioners

Published 2022-11-16


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00:00 Intro
01:20 Backstory on Detrans Testimonies
04:52 Helena Kirschner's Testimony
11:33 Zoey Haz's Testimony
23:39 Prisha Mosley's Testimony
29:43 Billy Burleigh's Testimoney
36:02 Should Children Medically Transition?
41:43 Kat's Testimony
48:33 Closing Remarks

All Comments (21)
  • Being an older trans woman that has gone through the medicalized gatekeeping system at the Clarke 40 yrs ago in Canada as well as being an advocate for access to trans related care, I feel it's important that a person looking for gender affirming care get the opportunity to talk with a therapist regularly before making any decisions but they should also be fully honest in expressing any doubts they may have!
  • As a heterosexual man from Germany I've bumped into this video quite accidentially. It's very impressive how honestly and considerate you are reacting to the presentations of that hearing. I'm really grateful to you for providing such an interesting insight to this matter.
  • I think why you deserve a whole tonne of respect for doing this kind of a video is because it would be much easier not only to not do this kind of video, but also to go full-on one way (totally discounted the de-transitioners) or the other way (holding them up as the rule and not the exception). The nuanced approach proves that you have a lot of empathy which a lot of people unfortunately do not have. You don't have to agree, but to understand where people are coming from is a lost and declining art especially on social media.
  • I LOVE that you’re going down this route with your channel girl. Keep it coming ❤ much love to you
  • When I transitioned almost 60 years ago, I can't believe how so called professionals recommend transitioning at the drop of a hat. I'm sure it is all politically motivated by money. I just feel so sad for these people. Thank you for bringing up this sensitive subject.
  • You look so cute in this vid! Also just a shoutout for how objective and crystal clear you are in all videos. I follow you to learn and work on myself to be a better ally. I can often get swept up in the activist mindset, but I appreciate you talking about this difficult topic in a way that is so calm and respectful and fact based.
  • @r.l.7319
    Navigating this field as a doctor is so so hard! On the one hand there is activists who blame you for discriminating because as standard procedure several steps have to be taken (visits to psychotherapist, socially transitioning etc.) before you receive receive medications or be approved for surgery. On the other hand you are accused of not being careful enough and treating patients to quickly without considering more differential diagnosis. Medical professionals are humans too, we try our best, but mistakes do happen. So it is very important to have these conversations and get better and better in understanding the diagnosis and best treatment options, so that mistakes happen less frequently!
  • Thanks for covering this Maya! you are so genuine and respectful and it's amazing! I'm cis, but I used to know someone who de-transitioned. And it sucked that they went through all of the hormones and stuff because it did cause changes. I do think they were failed by the system and their health practitioners and their therapists, and this was in Canada a good few years ago now. I really do support my trans friends and them having access to medical care, but I think de-transitioners need to be heard because their lives matter too and no one should have to go through that, and we need to take into account that reality.The person I know who de-transitioned said that no one along with their therapist had ever brought up to them that their gender dysphoria could be caused by trauma and not being trans, which ended up being the case for them. They were really upset and I think that was unfair that trauma was never discussed with them in that way,
  • I have been following your progress over the years under different profiles. Love how you approach everything.
  • You are amazing at articulating your thoughts, I love how considerate and objective you are. Great video. 🥰
  • You have a wonderful way of articulating your thoughts Maya and your kindness and empathy are admirable. More people should be kind in this area but also open to talking about the issues involved. Everyone deserves love, contentment and happiness in life. ❤
  • @Lambdamale.
    The reason that first girl was given "care" probably has to do with the docs being afraid of the social consequences of refusing it. To add, the docs used the fear of suicide to try and convince her parents, yet it's precisely because she started trying to transition that became suicidal.
  • Thanks so much for sharing this. You are so honest, thoughtful and compassionate. I learn a lot from you.
  • @Ripskin16
    When I entered therapy for a number of things gender being one and childhood / pre-teen trauma and fear of those issues driving my gender questioning. I still fear that at time but as I experimented with being in public as the opposite gender and we worked through the trauma the two situations stayed as separate situations. Being an adult it was my decision to transition but as my therapist kept asking me how I felt about being out in public it was more a fear of making others uncomfortable or drawing attention to myself vs presenting a certain way. I also knew that I wanted to be confident in my decisions before I made any physical changes. It was something like 16 months after starting therapy before I started hormones. I started questioning and doing small things about 1.5 years prior to starting therapy. Before starting therapy I was reluctant having bad experiences in the past. I watched a LOT of detransitioner and transitional content to help see how I felt or how I could relate on both sides. The general trends that I saw for detransitioners was that they went too far too fast before working through things. This could be from their pressure being sure it was one thing / online information and pressure and groups providing access to medical tools before taking proper time to understand the individual and work with them. There were several who did not regret their initial transition so I feel like "detransition" is more of another stage of that persons transition to being their true selves. I NEVER understood the hate or pushing away of anyone who detransitions. Its not for everyone and if it is not what they need we should be supportive of those people getting whatever help they need to live. These folks are very brave to discuss their bad experiences and it seems like a similar trend that they got access too easily and went too far before proper psychological evaluation. I also see a lot of unreasonable expectations in what HRT, Surgery etc will do for an individual. I know any surgery is not going to solve all of my issues. Being trans is not some glorious magical thing. I feel that prior to puberty standards need to be much higher as children are not as good at understanding feelings, desires and wants and many issues can get clouded by other problems. Does not invalidate either side but it needs to be attainable but timed tracked and worked step by step. Wont solve everything but it is a good start. I appreciate you taking on this subject without any bias or negativity and it was great to see proper impartiality and care for the issues these people went through.
  • I enjoyed your video. I found it thoughtful and objective. I also appreciated that you shared where you found common ground, yet clearly explained that your commentary was your personal experience. I'm glad that transition has been so positive for you.
  • Maya! Dark hair suits u so weeell! Love ur takes! Always tuning in to listen to you express them 💕
  • @grrgrrgrr0202
    Another problem what complicates the procedure is that people can be impatient and so certain that transitioning is the answer to their problems, that they try to undermine the diagnosis process as much as possible. This is especially true for teenagers.
  • @maree2328
    Maya, you look so pretty, composed, and beautiful. You’re so well spoken and articulate every time I see you. I’m a 53 year pre op transgender woman and like yourself, I started hormone therapy at 19 to make sure that, that’s what I wanted and hormones were so hard to access back then. I’m a new subscriber by the way. So glad I found your channel. Best of luck to you. :)
  • @hempev
    Complete mental health assessment should be a requirement for every transition. P.S. - your hair is awesome just like this.
  • I really like how balanced you are, you are genuinely considering about both sides and not just disregarding people’s experience. You’re right, more studies need to be done to know prevalences and long term effects. You’re very eloquent and well spoken, I liked this video :)