Where do Vegans get B12 | RIch Roll

Publicado 2016-07-15
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We hung out with RIch ROll and had a conversation about B12 and the constant questioning vegans and vegetarians get about this illusive vitamin.

All the best,
Dave & Steve.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @saskiatex1198
    I have been for a plant-based diet for about 1.5 years now and while I believe B12 deficiency is a valid point, I get annoyed with ppl lecturing me about this. Do they watch their daily intake if vitamin A, C, K, folic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, etc.?? Most of them don't and might be in many cases deficient in some of these categories. My personal experience has shown me that I am much more concerned and about my diet and health and actively shaping it for the better than most ppl I know. Do keep on inspiring, guys!
  • @LolitaDark
    Oh definitely! my mother was diagnosed with anemia when she was an omnivore, she ate meat every day (and so did I) and at the time we were doing research about veganism and we decided to do it, she is all good now, no deficiencies :)
  • I've been vegetarian for about 22 years and it was only last year when I decided to cut out the small amount of dairy products out my diet that I was diagnosed B12 deficent. I had started to get really into fitness and I was training pretty much every day and I noticed I was getting really awful pain in my joint so I went to be tested for arthritis as it runs in my family and the only thing that showed up on the tests was the b12 deficiency. They actually took the blood test again as they thought it was an error as they'd never seen anyone with absolutely no trace of b12 in their blood but no the second test came back the same. The doctor was shocked that I did not notice something was wrong but as I've been vegetarian since I was 12 they way I felt was normal. Now I take 3 prescribed b12 supplements a day and I go for a monthly injection. I do feel loads better for it and my hair and nails are now growing in nice and strong :-). The pain in my joints also disappeared.
  • @madamelicorne581
    I had a b12 deficiency and tbh it's pretty heavy. I was 20 around that time and I had to take an hour nap after every school, while I sleep 8 hours every night. I felt cold 24/7. My hair felt out more easily. It was though to concentrate and I would fall asleep during lectures quite regurlary. B12 doesn't come from being vegan or vegetarian for a few years, like said by another commenter you normally would have to not get it from your diet for 10 years or something before you get a deficiency. It's probrably something wrong in my system, my brother has the same. But at the same time, I would like to ask you to take your health serious. B12 deficiency is a serious problem to have and will throw your life of track for a half year, or longer when you can't figure out what it is. It's good to supplement what you can't get from your diet. Best is to try to get it into your diet, but most vegan products just have b12 added which really makes me raise the question what the difference between supplementing and eating it then. I supplement it. Just research b12 deficiency is you're still deciding if you should do the same and don't just listen to people that tell you they feel great so you probrably don't have to supplement. That's not a good base for your decision.
  • I take the vegan plant-based diet something worth doing, but regardless of what most people say, I take supplements since I'm always burning a lot of calories throughout the day nonstop! Plus eating vegan has helped me a lot with my energy deficiency, I don't think I could go back to eating meat again.
  • @mirrorimages8100
    I wouldn't never get b12 from nutritional yeast because its added syntheticly much like your total cereal. I would get unfortified yeast and get b12 from Chlorella.
  • @marta7530
    I had 3 times deficiency in B12 and Iron. Now, I gave up and take b12 every day. This is really important to address, even for meat eaters... My mum also had the same problem and she eats meat and dairy, all of that. It can really put your health in a bad state. I was sure I was getting all my iron, as now I am, but because of vitamin B12, I could not absorb it. And that causes anemia and neurological problems.
  • @admiralasthma
    I was on a vegetarian diet for 9 years and I became severely B12 and Folic Acid deficient. Was suffering from severe depression at the time, but I began to feel better after I changed my diet and began taking supplements. I took about 4-5 months for the worst symptoms to wean off.
  • @janak1367
    Actually it takes a few years before you become B12 deficient even if you're on a strict vegan diet, because our body just needs a really tiny amount of B12 and there is quite a lot B12 "back-up", which has to be used up before you get a B12 deficiency :) just some information from a medical student. Yay, sometimes biochemistry is actually useful :) ! Loved the vid as always! So nice that you keep mixing up your content with new creative ideas and interesting topics. Thumbs up!
  • @aislingsmashling
    Animals are also injected with b12 as the soils are lacking in b12 these days due to be over -worked ..so its practically the same thing as taking a supplement! Great video guys
  • 40 years as a vegan, i got tested about 10 years back and no deficiencies, I checked iron and b12 out of curiosity. I do love nori so maybe that's been enough.
  • @IvyRoad
    I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency anemia when I was a vegetarian. I love nutritional yeast but it does not contain B12 unless it's fortified. So, however you get your B12 as a vegan, it's going to be a supplement.
  • @jandub
    I just take a supplements and nutritional yeast and get on with it. Get my bloods done every year year and a half and all my levels are good or even above-average. Only thing that is on my radar is a slightly depleted iron store, but according to my GP that's more to do with my age and gender. Again easily resolved by taking iron supplement
  • @tameworld88
    Rich is such a cool guy - thanks for telling us about his podcast. Great work guys, love your channel.
  • Last month told I was B12 deficient and .. I wasn’t vegan then.. funny enough I today officially consider myself vegan after all this b12 searching. I’m already taking b12 supplements .. what’s the difference? Only Difference is I’m being kind to myself and my body! And giving self higher chance of long living. Big difference! 💗
  • @lanasalganik7534
    The little crumb of nutritional yeast on blue twin's lip is ADORABLE!
  • I LOVE these vids with Rich Roll :-) I take a methyl B12 and I LOVE nutty yeast too :-) thanks a million for sharing guys and sending heaps of love and tons of happiness from Waterford to Greystones and have a BRILLIANT weekend ahead XXXXX <3
  • @imamsev
    So in the end you do take your B12 from an animal based source Which is fortified to other foods and drinks.
  • @anugrimashi.8954
    Hey. Thanks for this awesome video. Could you please tell me how I can take fortified yeast? Can it be taken alone? Or should I take it with something?
  • @amandajones929
    When I was a non-vegetarian, I was always listed as b12 and iron deficient. Now that I don't eat meat.... I'm not deficient.. I do supplement but have for years.