8u coach loses it

8u baseball

コメント (21)
  • @marks926
    Are we all just gonna ignore the fact the catcher is a beast??!!?
  • Good to see all these dads still chasing that elusive state championship that's haunted them for so many years.
  • For being 8u teams there's quite a bit of talent on the field already. Great throw home, even better play by the catcher to hold on!
  • I coached youth league baseball for several years. It amazes me that parents allow their kids to be coached by a hot head coach like this. I assure you , this is not the first time he’s acted like this and not just in the game. Don’t let your children be subjected to this kind of coaching no matter his win record. Kids first.
  • @mgcoleman
    Calls aside, the umps made two key mistakes: 1) Never, ever let opposing coaches at any level openly and directly argue with each other - way too much can go wrong way too fast and you might end up with coaches trying to exchange more than words. Nobody comes to the ballpark to watch a couple Bobby Hill look-alike dad-coaches roll around in the dirt. 2) The umps are engaging in too much talk with the coach. Stop trying to play peacekeeper - these are supposed to be adults and role models. A good rule of thumb is hearing the same phrases again means the coach has nothing new to say and is now simply leaning on the drama queen button. For both of these, a clear and politely professional "That's enough, coach" warning will hopefully bring it to an end. If not, eject him and get the game moving again. If he doesn't want to leave, put the onus on the assistant(s) to make him go away in two minutes or less or the game is forfeited 1-0.
  • This guy is gonna go down as the greatest 8u coach ever. Winning multiple championships in the 8u division....says no one ever!! 😂
  • Safe to say nobody here's gonna be splittin the atom Marty..
  • Really 8 and under. Time for the fans and coaches to leave and just let the kids play.
  • Catcher was awesome he even sat back up to show he completed the tag and then worried about his head.
  • i love that you pointed out how no one checked on the players. as an umpire it is sad to see that the ump didn't ask if he was okay. yes it isn't our job, just safety is way more important than arguing with coaches. i am not a baseball umpire so i cant comment on anything else other than that. rules are different everywhere!