Trans Girl DEBUNKS Ben Shapiro & Dr. Debra Soh's "Truth About Gender"


コメント (21)
  • I couldn't help but notice you didn't debunk the actual science Dr. Soh referenced
  • As a biologist I don't understand why people believe that sex is a spectrum. Biological sex is binary here is why: 1. Definition of biological sex - Sex is defined as the type of gamete your reproductive anatomy is build around to produce. Since we have only two types of gametes sperm and eggs and no intermediate gametes sex is binary. So in reality we have 1 system which produces sperm (small gametes) which we call male and a different system which produces eggs or ova (large gamestes). 2. Sex determination - Sex in vertebrates is determined during the moment of conception (when the sperm fertilises the egg, this is known as a syngamic sex detrmination system) as a resault you get a new DNA which is a combination of the parents' DNA. In sex determination the most important gene is the SRY - gene which is the male sex determination gene it is located in the short arm of the Y chromosome. If a fetus has an active SRY they develop as male. So yes XY is male and XX is female due to the abscence of SRY. Yes people have different chromosomes but if you look at a person with Turner syndrome (a single X chromosome) they are female due to the abscence of a functioning SRY. A person with Kleinfelter syndrome (XXY) is male because they have an active SRY in the Y chromosome. A person with Jason's syndrome (XYY) is still male due to SRY. 3. Sex is a binary system - People with DSDs (intersex conditions) are not a different sex they do not prove the existence of a sex spctrum because they are a combination of both sexes not a 3rd completely different sex. In order for us to have a sex spectrum we need to have: A) A new 3rd gamete (which is something that doesn't exist) B) This new hypothetical sex needs to be able to have sex with men OR women OR both and produce fertile offspring (which we don't have) So for a sex spectrum we need to have several sexes each producing their own gamete and having their own unique completely different anatomy. Also intersex conditions develop in utero usually after the 7th week of pregnancy while biological sex is determined at conception there is a 2 month time gap between the two therefore intersex conditions are on a spectrum (in humans there are over 40 inntersex conditions) but they are not a biological sex. Every human is born male or female (99% of human birth is unambigously male or female) some of us however have an intersex condition (male with an intersex condition or female with an intersex condition). Not all intersex conditions need surgery most people will be fine without a medical intervention (example: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia), some however do (see Gonadectomy) 4. XX - males and XY - females Yes it is possible to have a female karyotype XX with a male phenotype. So basicaly due to a mutation known as translocation where a single gene or a group of genes moves from one chromosome to the other ther SRY moves to an X chromosome (let's call it X+) and when that sperm X+ fertilises the eggcell you will get XX+ and fetus will always develop as male. In the other case you could have an XY female due to AIS (Androgen Insesnsitivity Syndrome) where the androgen receptors are inactive and fetus can not absorb the androgens (male hormones) from the testecles and it developes as female. In some cases the SRY becomes inactive due to the environment and the fetus developes again as female. Those cases are extremely rare but thay actually prove the sex binary because even thought he chromosomes are different or atypical the sex of the individual is always male or female. When it comes to gender I am not really interested and it's not my field but Dr. Soh was basicaly saying that gender is biological because children present and behave in a certain way which is male - typical or female - typical. Most people are gender typical man tend to be male typical and women tend to be female typical. Those 1% who are gender atypical (like myself) are males with female typical behaviour (boys who are interested in playing with dolls, they like cooking, cleaning, they gravitate towrds people oriented jobs like teachers and social workders) and women who are male typical (girls who like trucks and cars, they like sports and martial arts and they gravitate towards task oriented jobs like STEM, being car mechanics etc. And all of this is biological because no matter what your parents or peers say you will always like and be interested in those things or toys, or jobs so society doesn't play a roll in this. Besides you can observe the same type of behaviour is apes as well. Sources: 1. Sex is binary 2. Evolution of the reproductive cell 3. Chromosomal Aberrations 4. Hines, M. (2006) Prenatal testosterone and gender - related behaviour. European journal of Endocrynology.
  • @gmon78
    I'm curious what qualifications you have to make you feel you know better than a doctor and expert in this field? The answer can't simply be "because I'm trans". I've been driving for Nearly 30 years but I know nothing about building a car.
  • This person didn’t even expose or debunk anything but just spews the same thing they hear but the actual doctor breaks down the study’s and facts and her study’s in the scientific backing in that community and her research and colleagues she has heard and learned from the dr actually brought science to the conversation this person literally just brought her presupposition and opinion and experience to a scientific argument to help her claims but didn’t even address the comments like how arrogant to think you know more than someone who studied in this...
  • Why is Ben so obsessed with "owning" trans people? What does he get out of it?
  • "trans women know they're not cisgender" right??? this concept seems to be reeeeeally hard for some conservatives and terfs to grasp on
  • Hi Samantha, I'm just wondering if you have read Debra Soh's book? Everything you say about trans people is what she says in her book (mostly). She says in her book that intersex people have been forced to live as one gender or the other and she agrees with you that intersex people should be allowed to determine for themselves which gender they prefer to live as. Debra Soh isn't anti trans. Debra says right in the beginning of her book that Sex and Gender are not interchangeable terms - that there is a profound difference between the two, but, and here is where she differs from you, she argues that both are biologically based. I think where you talk about gender behaviours such as crossing legs and having long hair are absolutely social constructs - but where we get our psychological sense of our own gender is based in our biology. Sex isn't actually determined by our external genitalia - but from our gamete production - if you produce sperm - your sex is male. If you produce ovum (eggs) your sex is female. For 99% of people sex is binary - that there are 1% of others that fall outside this pattern doesn't require that sex is non binary or a spectrum. Debra has a Phd in Sexual Neuroscience - so I think to disregard her as not knowing anything about gender or transgenderism is to fail to recognise her expertise as a scientist. Ben Shapiro on the other hand - have at him!
  • Scary how many people think they know more than a doctor who has spent her career specializing on matters of sexuality
  • I think Ben Shapiro is really asking the wrong person about gender being a social construct, he should have asked a sociologist or a phycologist, someone who studies human behavior and how humans interact with others, as opposed to a biologist who studies humans on a ver physical level.
  • @auxiz11
    I could not see any debunking here.. lol
  • @zachisebi
    Yet again years waisted with academic research when Dr Soh could have just watched some youtube videos instead...
  • You can call yourself a woman all you want. It’s a free country. But since it’s a free country, l should be free to remind you that biologically you are a man.
  • You should review a classically abby video, she’s Ben’s sister
  • The honest question is perhaps this: how much of gender is socially constructed, and how much is does it overlap with biological sex?
  • @ryanm7321
    Terrifying that someone can be so confidently misinformed
  • "Soh is looking at all of this as a sex researcher, not as someone who understands gender theory or transgender / intersex identities." Please tell me you're kidding? You're not? Oh dear. Soh thoroughly understands gender theory and, like the majority, thoroughly rejects it as nothing more than politically motivated manoeuvring. And she's fully qualified to do so. Unlike yourself.
  • Intersex people do not invalidate the notion of only two sexes. Intersex conditions are a result of imperfect biological process. To argue that the two sexes are not the intended two options of human existence is the same as if to argue that having two arms and two legs is not the intended setup of limbs, not "how it's supposed to be", simply because there are people who are born (again, due to imperfect biological process) with some limbs missing.
  • I am trans and intersex.... So I wonder what she would think of that??
  • Her sources; 1. I’m trans 2. A lot trans people im speaking to 3. What i feel 4. My gender studies Girl if i write these in my dissertation my professor would’ve flung my papers right in the trash bin!