Published 2022-11-26
Concept ships ruin the game for both old and new players alike, I discuss why CIG is still releasing concept ships for sale, and give my opinon as a professional Game Marketer and Developer how they can do better and why!

All Comments (21)
  • @Auldus
    I am brand spanking new to star citizen, like by about two weeks, an org took me in and it has been crazy fun. My friend group is now also interested in joining so we can crew a multi ship and experience the game. I saw the Galaxy for sale and that they do limited sales, the galaxy checked the boxes for my friends so we all put money together to buy it thinking it was going to take less than a year to come out. And to be honest I feel very taken advantage of. I had no idea of the sheer number of backlogged concepts. I mean. We have the Carrack as a loaner. Which is arguably a better ship in many ways. But it isn't what we purchased. We are still enjoying the game. But everytime I talk about my purchase to other players that have much more tenure than me it's almost as if they're disappointed in me. Which after watching this video I understand why. Something needs to change. I've been conditioned by other game companies to believe that when I make a purchase with real fiat I recieve a product. But a piece of digital property that is the price of a car payment being literal years away just outright sucks.
  • @Libertas_P77
    I didn’t buy it, but the very fact that you get a half price Carrack as loaner for potentially years is THE single great reason to pick one up. No brainer for fans of the Carrack on a budget, and enjoy for those that did.
  • @santobell
    I agree that most ships sold to us should be done so in a ready to fly state (Sans gameplay or not), that was attempted a few years back where CIG tried to focus on ready to fly sales over concepts but didn't last as a sales model. There is little to no excuse for smaller ships not to release on sale, as for large ships... One of the main reasons for big ships not coming from concept to PU is the back end tech, right now large ships are not tenable in the live game environment. As the near release server tech hits shelves we may see and increase in big ship development and actual use and deployment in game. Not only backend but big ships need big spaces and larger populations to be truly useful in game, we just don't have that now. Pyro --> Nyx --> Odin (and their adjoining game loops) then larger ships as a focus. Anyone waiting on truly big ships like the endeavor should stop and take a moment to realize these will be the last in the long pipeline as so many small things need to lineup for these to become reality. There is very little in the way of positive outcomes that can rise from pining over these ships so early in comparison to tech and playable area. I know the pain, I have a Hope, Polly and the Orion just sitting there in my list waiting for the day...
  • I was skeptical for years of star citizen. When I finnaly purchased a package to play the game... I was underwhelmed. So I left it alone for a year. Came back to it and wow... Im impressed with the progress and direction... all that being said, My biggest issue with SC is the selling of concept ships with open ended development time tables. Theres no guarantee people that purchase these will ever be able to get their moneys worth and that stinks of predatory marketing and greed. Dont get me wrong. I love Star Citizen. It has quickly moved up to be one of my favorite games, and I have the utmost respect for the devs. But I really feel selling concept ships in its current form is unethical and stains the game for alot of people.
  • @vulcan4d
    This has an Endeavor vibe to it. Still waiting after 7years.
  • @NeonRayn
    It may seems l a little predatory, BUT. this is they only way they make money. Games are Super expensive to make, especially if you been in active development for 10 plus year on two separate, projects. with no outside investors, no studio money. And they have 4 locations right now. I'm more than happy to support the game with concept ships. I realize it may take a white but at least they can keep the lights one, and hire more people to build ships. They have also said they are working on ways to make them faster to catch up on the back log.
  • @Derzull2468
    A starter pack is all you ever need. Anything more is on you, and just you.
  • @malloyneil40
    What I think they should do is commit to making 2 small ships per year, 1 updated ship per year, 1 medium ship per year, and one large ship per year. If that means that they pull people from SQ42, so be it. But, we are paying for SC not SQ42 and that is where their priority should be. No new concepts until they have less than 5 concept ships not yet developed.
  • @Literata
    Oh, there was another point I wanted to make: I like your idea of releasing the ship in an intermediate state -- anything that reduces the wait time on an expensive purchase. The only problem is, I can think of two counter-examples: The Drake Herald (released in 2014) and the Anvil Terrapin (released in 2016). Both of those ships are flyable; but as both of their singular functionalities are unsupported, the most you can do with these ships is as a daily driver (and maybe box missions).
  • @jwup3364
    I'm late to the comments on this one, but I just bought it. But not with the intent of ever flying that ship. A somewhat useless ship that I've been very interested in is now going to be very useful and lucrative and fun. The Reclaimer. Which should be around $400 when it comes back to the pledge store. So I will upgrade The Galaxy to the Reclaimer... and... have LTI...
  • @Literata
    Great video -- I think you made a very reasonable argument, and I'm kind of surprised at the negative comments. My two cents: I'm perfectly fine with the use of marketing in-concept ships to raise funds -- and God knows, if you look at how quickly the larger in-concept ships sold out during IAE, it appears to be a continuing success for CIG. And I'm fine with the people who buy them, whether it's the older ships or the newer ones like the Galaxy. I'd be worried that as the queue of large, complex ships continues to grow, it'll increase the time-to-release on all of them, but I don't know enough about CIG's development process to say anything definitive about that. What triggered me about the Galaxy is its modularity: We've got a number of ships -- in the pipeline, and flyable in the game -- that were sold as being modular. The Caterpillar's just one example, and thankfully it's still useful as a heavy cargo hauler, but if you bought one in 2013 (over 8 years ago) thinking you'd have medical and manufacturing modules by now, you'd have every right to be skeptical of the Next Big Modular Vessel. But it's more than just modularity... how many people would buy the Galaxy if they knew that it wouldn't show up in the game until 2031? (How many people would have bought the Idris in 2013 knowing they'd still be waiting for it by now?) This is beginning to feel like a generational thing, lol -- today's starry-eyed Galaxy buyers versus yesterday's disillusioned Idris buyers! I've promised myself to stick to in-game, mostly-functional vessels (I'm looking at you, Terrapin, Goddamnit) until CIG makes an attempt to either clear out the backlog or give us an idea of which of those it's planning to address first. That's my plan, and I'm sticking to it... at least, until Aegis releases its version of a combat carrier. (I'm only human!)
  • @Anarxur
    Lot of good points here. I grabbed one on store credit that's going to buybacks and a couple CCUs also on store credit but I'm not spending fresh money on it. Subbed
  • @VictorECaplon
    I genuinely think straight to flyable or next update release are the way to go. I just can’t support buying images $500 for a ship that will likely change for the worse while adding to the long list of image ships backlogged since 2013. I love the game, I love the ships, but all concept ships, may it be the 600i or Carrack, just don’t match what was sold. It’s not always a miss, but it is frustrating…
  • I still have the feeling that CIG needs to slow down with LARGE concepts as a whole. Keep selling concepts, but make sure you have either: A) A ship in the backlog of similar size being worked on or B) The concept is actively in production with at least a 12-18 month commitment to release. I get being hyped for new ships, and I am guilty of buying on the dream of a ship plenty(Vulcan, Railen), however I can't shake the feeling that change needs to occur regarding concepts as a whole. Yeah, yeah, funding, etc, gotcha. But something has to give, I just don't know what that is, and CIG doesn't either, or isn't willing to apparently. Also, as I know that I am going to have potentially hyperbolic comments stating I am in some small minority of people upset at the Galaxy, or I don't want CIG funding the game through concepts, those people can piss up a rope. I've funded for plenty, and I don't need to justify it to anyone but myself. That Said, I am within my right to be upset at a practice CIG engages in all too often, even if the ship is amazing(which it IS btw, can't wait). I also have the opinion that if you bought the Galaxy for the loaner, rather than the ship itself, you may need to reevaluate your spending habits on pledges. I get it, it's a bonus as their aren't other ships similar to the concept, but what about when there is? What if CIG put out an 85m ship straight to flyable as the new loaner with a quarter the cargo of the Carrack, crappier stats, and less guns? Would you be upset? Would you feel let down, and bummed? Honest questions. If you are using the Carrack loaner as justification of your $300-500+ purchase, then be honest that you are coping with the fact that the ship is nowhere to being made any time soon. I know I'm going to piss off some people with that statement, but that's hard truths for ya.
  • @nukaman4253
    I got it just because I get a Carrack for 380 bucks and ill have it for a while. Then once I am tired of the carrack (if that is possible) I get to try a brand new ship once the Galaxy drops.
  • They can make money with Gacha ship capsules instead of concept and ship packs.
  • @Symphonia1983
    That's the reason why i have been melting so many gamepackage's and it's sad. Instead of just talking about something that is not out there yet is rather likely frustrating. Thank you so much you just gave me the greatest lecture in what not to do when it comes to the concept ships. 👍
  • @MrSpy13011
    But what if I want a $380 carrack for the next 10 years?
  • @hectordiaz537
    A lot of people are chomping for the big capital ships to come out, but until we have stable play with a lot more players on line, they won't be playable due to crew sizes. Even in the latest patch just getting everyone online for xenothreat caused all kinds of lag and desync issues. Imagine how bad it would be if you a few big capital ships in there with 10+ crew per ship.
  • @romamoran1337
    More like NOT buying it is a bad idea: 1. Its loaner is a Carrack ($600 worth), which also comes with a C8 and Rover; 2. You can melt it (or the upgrade from a cheaper ship to it) immediately and use the store credits for other ships/upgrades/subscriptions, all while locking in the time limited buying option in the buy-back page. You lose literally nothing.