Trans Woman Reacts to Lia Thomas INFURIATING Transphobes

Publicado 2022-03-29

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Certain biological advantages cannot be overcome, which is why there are different categories in most sports - weight divisions in boxing being the most obvious example.
  • @amandag7086
    Not trolling I’m just trying to understand why the term biological male is offensive? Open to opinions ?
  • @rulerthelion860
    As a trans person myself, I dont think Lia should be competing in women's sports if she has already underwent male puberty for obvious reasons. Nevertheless I do not condone any attacks or insults directed at her in any way. It is not transphobic to aknowledge the biological differences that are beyond hormone levels.
  • @JoeMama-rv9wl
    10:52-11:07 Im sorry but did this individual just say that lung capacity isn't a "significant indicator to athletic performance" in regards to swimming? because as a former swimmer I have a hard time believing someone could be so stupid
  • @ymarascough1765
    As a trans athlete, I of all people would love to be able to compete in women's sports, but I can't do so in good conscience. I didn't start transitioning until 23 so my advantages are too great. People might not think height is an advantage, but it is; I'm 5 inches taller than if I were born cis. My torso and wingspan are larger as well. I lifted weights for years with T levels above 600 ng/L. My T might only be 23 ng/L now but I built all of my muscle under circumstances only achievable by cis women who take anabolic steroids like trenobol or anavar. I have lost muscle of course but it'd be similar to a cis athlete doing a steroid cycle in their off-season. I think it's a bit sad that transphobes AND the trans community don't talk about trans individuals that continue to compete against those of the same biological sex. As much as I disagree with some of what you've said in this video; I completely respect your stance on things. You always make well-thought out videos and many of them have helped me so much; especially when I was first transitioning.
  • @megwalker8790
    It’s not about their gender identities. Their gender identities are not competing against other gender identities. It’s the body that competes and the advantages bestowed on someone who went through male puberty are not fair if they want to compete in women’s sports.
  • @idlehands1238
    The whole "there is no advantage" argument falls apart for me when you note that this is only a problem in women's sport. When we start to see trans men competing in elite sport and breaking records i'll accept the basis of it.
  • 5:21 Just curious but how is saying biologically male being transphobe? Wouldn't that just be accurate?
  • Genuinely confused why biology is offensive. Is this not basic science regardless of gender identity?
  • Yk What bothers me tho- a Jamaican biological woman was denied to compete in Tokyo bc of her natural testosterone-
  • @Jadenmic
    How can you be so out of touch with reality...
  • @heidiraitio8660
    "shes just good at swimming " ...when placing in the 400s when competing as a male ? ..
  • @Pozorrogo
    Its not transphobic to speak out about Lia Thomas being able to compete with biological women. What will happen to womens sports? Its okay to be transgender, but you have to admit that Lia Thomas has a clear biological muscular and down to her bone structure she has an advantage over the other women.
  • @calico2587
    As a transwomen who has been full time for 5 years I completely DISAGREE. Yes the NCAA requirements were only 1 year of hormones at female testosterone levels but anyone who has taken hormones knows that the first year does almost nothing to muscle mass. Lia competing this early in her transition regardless of how she placed, did nothing for LGBT or women rights. If anything this has created less acceptance for the LGBT community. ps I am unfortunately a biological man, guess that makes me a transphobe for recognizing science... wtf hah
  • @Sp33dgum
    You showed how Lia Thomas’s fastest time swimming placing #2 regionally is 20 seconds faster than what she got to win 1st place nationally. Her 2nd place regionally wasn’t even the fastest regionally in men’s…. #462 sounds pretty accurate in national ranking.. and you’re proving a point by saying even her slowest time is fast enough to win #1 nationally. Yet her regional in men’s was faster and wasn’t even #1
  • @Harry-Storm
    In the context of sport, it's important to note that the "woman" is actually a biological man. Sorry if that bothers you. Reality is tough.
  • @milimosweta4327
    Lia already went through puberty as a man. Her lungs, and cardiovascular system are bigger. Just look at her compared to her fellow swimmers.
  • @krs4395
    Yes, increased lung capacity doesn't help in athletic performance while swimming, that's a big brain take.
  • @PsWorld473
    You claimed transamen are winning, you made notes and yet you couldnt name one. Can you name one trans man that has won a sport that requires physicality?
  • @Jenny-md7lk
    Can someone explain to me how FACTS are transphobic???? if it’s the truth?? I feel like i’ll be walking on egg shells if everything said is hurtful.